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Re: new compile command doesn't coalesce errors on the same line

From: Daniel Pfeiffer
Subject: Re: new compile command doesn't coalesce errors on the same line
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 07:41:37 +0100

Saluton, Moin,

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> skribis:

>     >> compilation-skip-visited is your friend.
>     Actually the option has existed for a long time and has always been nil.
>     So maybe we're talking about something else here,
> The doc string is very hard to understand--it is written like a
> program.  It may be 100% precise, but it is not very useful.  Can
> someone who understands that option's meaning rewrite the doc stringq
> to be readable?

Are we talking about the same docstring?  I (having written it :-) find it
quite clear:

  "*Compilation motion commands skip visited messages if this is t.
Visited messages are ones for which the file, line and column have been jumped
to from the current content in the current compilation buffer, even if it was
from a different message."

"current" here refers to the same compilation.  When I compile again,
everything starts over.

> Meanwhile, to the extent I can figure it out, I think this is indeed
> something else.  Let's just change the code so as to treat
> contiguous errors as one.

How contiguous do they have to be?  How many lines apart may they be?  Keep
this in mind:  Where the old compile was bound to line-beginnings, the new one
can match a location anywhere on a line, even several different kinds on the
same line as in

foo.c:5: error: function f was declared differently at bar.h:17
foo.c:5: error: (this is some bla bla about the same spot)

To the human reader, the two foo.c:5 are still contiguous.   But to the
program bar.h:17 came in between.  It could get quite complicated.

What would we gain?  Why would I want to go to the same spot again if it is
mentioned 3 lines down, but not when it is mentioned on the next line?

coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

lerne / learn / apprends / läramå / ucz się    Esperanto:

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