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Re: python-mode (python.el): python-backspace

From: Miles Bader
Subject: Re: python-mode (python.el): python-backspace
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 10:40:43 +0900

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
>     If you won't accept DEL, what would be a natural key for the job
>     `delete a level of indentation when deleting a single space would be
>     syntactically incorrect'?
> I am not sure, but is that really a legitimate stretching of the meaning
> of DEL?

I suppose it depends on who you talk too -- I suspect people who would
like RET bound to `newline-and-indent' (and there seem to be quite a few
of them, judging from the mailing lists) might also like DEL bound to
something higher-level too, and the people who strongly oppose the
former binding might hate the latter as well...

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