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Re: byte-code optimizations

From: Paul Pogonyshev
Subject: Re: byte-code optimizations
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 14:15:11 -0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

Stefan wrote:

> > +       ;; dup varbind-X [car/cdr ...] unbind-1 --> [car/cdr ...]
> I get the same optimization result by adding
>         car/cdr/equal/nth unbind --> unbind car/cdr/equal/nth
> Problem is that such an optimization is only safe if car/cdr/... is not
> affected by the bound thing.  If the `unbind' unbinds a variable, then
> I think it's always safe.  So I've added to the lapcode optimizer some
> logic to keep track of the specpdl stack so that I can distinguish an
> unbind that terminates a varbind from one that terminates an
> unwind-protect.

Seems like you are trying to solve this problem (in comment):

(defconst byte-after-unbind-ops
   '(byte-constant byte-dup
     byte-symbolp byte-consp byte-stringp byte-listp byte-numberp byte-integerp
     byte-eq byte-not
     byte-cons byte-list1 byte-list2    ; byte-list3 byte-list4
   ;; How about other side-effect-free-ops?  Is it safe to move an
   ;; error invocation (such as from nth) out of an unwind-protect?
   ;; No, it is not, because the unwind-protect forms can alter
   ;; the inside of the object to which nth would apply.
   ;; For the same reason, byte-equal was deleted from this list.
   "Byte-codes that can be moved past an unbind.")

If you can properly track `unwind-protect' unbinds, then your
optimization is probably better.

> Better yet: you also get the exact same result code (without any lapcode
> optimization) if you use
>    (defsubst* cddr (x) (cdr (cdr x)))
> I.e. using the `defubst*' (from CL).

Is there a reason to use `defsubst' then?  Do `defsubst' and
`defsubst*' differ in result?  (Frankly speaking, I cannot read

RMS wrote:

>     In other words, it squeezes the unnecessary binding out of each
>     `c[ad][ad]r'.  Three commands per each substitution.
> I see, those wasteful operations come from defsubst expansion.  Can
> you generalize your optimization so it is not limited to car and cdr
> operations in the middle?  It ought to be simple to handle many other
> cases, as long as there are no jumps inside.

My latest version is below.  I generalized it (skips all byte-codes
in `byte-compile-side-effect-free-dynamically-safe-ops' plus
`byte-varref' which reference another variable.  I also implemented
the `binding-is-magic' property suggested in TODO section and a few
other generalizations.

However, we (actually Stefan) need to decide whether we want to try
optimizing unbinds without visible bindings.  I.e. I'm optimizing

        varbind-X ... unbind-N --> discard ... unbind-(N-1)

while Stefan suggests a more general

        ... unbind-1 --> unbind-1 ...

which is then followuped by other (existing) optimizations.


--- byte-opt.el 22 Mar 2004 13:21:08 -0200      1.75
+++ byte-opt.el 19 Sep 2004 14:00:27 -0200      
@@ -1467,6 +1467,33 @@ of FORM by signalling the error at compi
      byte-member byte-assq byte-quo byte-rem)
+(defconst byte-compile-side-effect-free-dynamically-safe-ops
+  '(;; Same as `byte-compile-side-effect-free-ops' but without
+    ;; `byte-varref', `byte-symbol-value' and certain editing
+    ;; primitives.
+    byte-constant byte-dup byte-symbolp byte-consp byte-stringp byte-listp
+    byte-integerp byte-numberp byte-eq byte-equal byte-not byte-car-safe
+    byte-cdr-safe byte-cons byte-list1 byte-list2 byte-point byte-point-max
+    byte-point-min byte-following-char byte-preceding-char
+    byte-eolp byte-eobp byte-bolp byte-bobp
+    ;;
+    byte-nth byte-memq byte-car byte-cdr byte-length byte-aref
+    byte-get byte-concat2 byte-concat3 byte-sub1 byte-add1
+    byte-eqlsign byte-gtr byte-lss byte-leq byte-geq byte-diff byte-negate
+    byte-plus byte-max byte-min byte-mult byte-char-after
+    byte-string= byte-string< byte-nthcdr byte-elt
+    byte-member byte-assq byte-quo byte-rem))
+(put 'debug-on-error 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 'debug-on-abort 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 'debug-on-next-call 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 'inhibit-quit 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 'quit-flag 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 't 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 'nil 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 'gc-cons-threshold 'binding-is-magic t)
+(put 'track-mouse 'binding-is-magic t)
 ;; This crock is because of the way DEFVAR_BOOL variables work.
 ;; Consider the code
@@ -1871,6 +1898,55 @@ If FOR-EFFECT is non-nil, the return val
                      (setq lap (delq lap0 lap))))
               (setq keep-going t))
+             ;; varbind-X [car/cdr/ ...] unbind-1 --> discard [car/cdr/ ...]
+             ;; varbind-X [car/cdr/ ...] unbind-N
+             ;;   --> discard [car/cdr/ ...] unbind-(N-1)
+             ;;
+             ((and (eq 'byte-varbind (car lap1))
+                   (not (get (cadr lap1) 'binding-is-magic)))
+              (setq tmp (cdr rest))
+              (while
+                  (or
+                   (memq (caar (setq tmp (cdr tmp)))
+                         byte-compile-side-effect-free-dynamically-safe-ops)
+                   (and (eq (caar tmp) 'byte-varref)
+                        (not (eq (cadr (car tmp)) (cadr lap1))))))
+              (when (eq 'byte-unbind (caar tmp))
+                ;; Avoid evalling this crap when not logging anyway
+                (when (memq byte-optimize-log '(t lap))
+                  (let ((format-string)
+                        (args))
+                    (if (and (= (aref byte-stack+-info (symbol-value (car 
+                               1)
+                             (memq (car lap0) side-effect-free))
+                        (setq format-string
+                              "  %s %s [car/cdr/ ...] %s\t-->\t[car/cdr/ ...]"
+                              args (list lap0 lap1 (car tmp)))
+                      (setq format-string
+                            "  %s [car/cdr/ ...] %s\t-->\t%s [car/cdr/ ...]"
+                            args (list lap1 (car tmp) (cons 'byte-discard 0))))
+                    (when (> (cdar tmp) 1)
+                      (setq format-string (concat format-string " %s"))
+                      (nconc args (list (cons 'byte-unbind (1- (cdar tmp))))))
+                    (apply 'byte-compile-log-lap-1 format-string args)))
+                ;; Do the real work
+                (if (and (= (aref byte-stack+-info (symbol-value (car lap0)))
+                            1)
+                         (memq (car lap0) side-effect-free))
+                    ;; Optimization: throw const/dup/... varbind right away.
+                    (progn
+                      (setcar rest (nth 2 rest))
+                      (setcdr rest (nthcdr 3 rest)))
+                  (setcar lap1 'byte-discard)
+                  (setcdr lap1 0))
+                (if (= (cdar tmp) 1)
+                    (progn
+                      ;; Throw away unbind-1
+                      (setcar tmp (nth 1 tmp))
+                      (setcdr tmp (nthcdr 2 tmp)))
+                  (setcdr (car tmp) (1- (cdar tmp))))
+                (setq keep-going t)))
+             ;;
              ;; X: varref-Y    ...     varset-Y goto-X  -->
              ;; X: varref-Y Z: ... dup varset-Y goto-Z
              ;; (varset-X goto-BACK, BACK: varref-X --> copy the varref down.)

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