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New mail-related routines

From: Alexander Pohoyda
Subject: New mail-related routines
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 23:57:45 +0200 (CEST)

I've developed a list of functions which I find very useful.  These
are basic functions to deal with header fields in mail messages.  A
great deal of code in "mail" directory could eventually be simplified
using these functions.

I know that some functionality is very similar to one found in
lisp/mail/mailheader.el file, but my small library is more powerful
(it parses structured header fields) and is closer to normal text
manipulation routines (header field searching, sorting, other
processing, folding/unfolding).

As you can see, I have moved (and re-implemented) functions
`mail-text-start' and `mail-head-end' from sendmail.el file, and
function `rfc822-goto-eoh' from simple.el file.  I think they are
general-purpose mail functions are belong to mail-utils.el file.

I would very like to hear comments on this code.

Index: mail-utils.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/mail/mail-utils.el,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -r1.57 mail-utils.el
--- mail-utils.el       4 Mar 2004 17:02:13 -0000       1.57
+++ mail-utils.el       18 Oct 2004 21:15:03 -0000
@@ -352,7 +352,12 @@
                    (substring labels (match-end 0))))))
+;;; Date/Time
 (defun mail-rfc822-time-zone (time)
   (let* ((sec (or (car (current-time-zone time)) 0))
         (absmin (/ (abs sec) 60)))
@@ -368,6 +373,353 @@
            (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)) " "
            (mail-rfc822-time-zone time))))
+;;; Some variables
+;;; The -hf suffix means Header Field.
+(defconst mail-wsp-regexp "[\040\011]")
+(defconst mail-crlf-regexp "[\015]?[\012]")
+;; Header fields must be unfolded before using these regexps.  This
+;; agrees with the RFC 2822, section 2.2.3, last paragraph.
+;; Unstructured header fields
+(defconst mail-hf-name-regexp "[\041-\071\073-\176]+")
+(defconst mail-hf-body-regexp "[^\015\012]*")
+(defconst mail-hf-regexp
+  (format "^\\(%s\\)%s*:%s*\\(%s\\)%s*\\(%s\\)?"
+         mail-hf-name-regexp mail-wsp-regexp mail-wsp-regexp
+         mail-hf-body-regexp mail-wsp-regexp mail-crlf-regexp))
+;; Structured header fields
+(defconst mail-hf-value-itself-regexp "[^;\040\011]*")
+(defconst mail-hf-value-regexp
+  (format "\\(%s\\)%s*"
+         mail-hf-value-itself-regexp mail-wsp-regexp))
+(defconst mail-hf-param-name-regexp "[^=]+")
+(defconst mail-hf-param-value-regexp 
+(defconst mail-hf-param-regexp
+  (format ";%s*\\(%s\\)=\\(%s\\)"
+         mail-wsp-regexp
+         mail-hf-param-name-regexp mail-hf-param-value-regexp))
+;; Not used
+(defconst mail-hf-structured-regexp
+  (format "^\\(%s\\)%s*:%s*\\(%s\\)%s*\\(%s\\)*\\(%s\\)?"
+         mail-hf-name-regexp mail-wsp-regexp mail-wsp-regexp
+         mail-hf-value-itself-regexp mail-wsp-regexp
+         mail-hf-param-regexp mail-crlf-regexp))
+;;; General-purpose mail functions
+;; Moved from sendmail.el
+(defun mail-text-start ()
+  "Return the buffer location of the start of text, as a number."
+  (save-restriction
+    (widen)
+    (mail-body-start-position)))
+(defun mail-body-start-position (&optional from to)
+  "Return a position where the body of a message starts.
+If called without arguments, the current buffer is assumed to be
+narrowed to exactly one message.
+This function may also be used to get the body start position of
+a MIME entity in the region between FROM and TO."
+  (let ((from (or from (point-min)))
+       (to (or to (point-max))))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char from)
+      (save-match-data
+       (if (or (search-forward (concat "\n" mail-header-separator "\n") to t)
+               (search-forward "\n\n" to t))
+           (point)
+         ;; TODO: Shouldn't we return nil instead?
+         (message "This entity has no body")
+         to)))))
+;; Moved from simple.el
+(defun rfc822-goto-eoh ()
+  "Go to header delimiter line in a mail message, following RFC822 rules."
+  (goto-char (mail-header-end-position)))
+(defalias 'mail-rfc822-goto-eoh 'rfc822-goto-eoh)
+;; Moved from sendmail.el
+(defun mail-header-end ()
+  "Return the buffer location of the end of headers, as a number."
+  (save-restriction
+    (widen)
+    (mail-header-end-position)))
+(defun mail-header-end-position (&optional from to)
+  "Return a position where the header of a message ends.
+If called without arguments, the current buffer is assumed to be
+narrowed to exactly one message.
+This function may also be used to get the header end position of
+a MIME entity in the region between FROM and TO."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char (mail-body-start-position from to))
+    (forward-line -1)
+    (point)))
+;; TODO: to be refined and extended
+(defun mail-token-p (candidate)
+  "Return t if the CANDIDATE is a valid token."
+  (not (or (string-match mail-wsp-regexp candidate)
+          (string-match "[=?]" candidate))))
+;;; Header field functions
+(defsubst mail-make-hf (name body)
+  "Return \"NAME: BODY\" string."
+  (when name (concat name ": " body)))
+(defsubst mail-insert-hf (header-field)
+  (when header-field (insert header-field "\n")))
+(defun mail-make-hf-param (attribute value)
+  "Return and \"ATTRIBUTE=VALUE\" string.
+The VALUE is quoted if it contains SPACE, CTLs, or TSPECIALs."
+  (if (mail-token-p attribute)
+      ;; valid ATTRIBUTE
+      (if (mail-token-p value)
+         ;; the VALUE is a token
+         (concat attribute "=" value)
+       ;; the VALUE must be quoted
+       (concat attribute "=" (format "%S" value)))
+    ;; the ATTRIBUTE contains invalid characters
+    (error "Invalid attribute.")))
+(defun mail-parse-hf (header-field)
+  "Parse the HEADER-FIELD and return a list of type
+if a header field is structured, or
+\(HF-NAME (HF-BODY nil))
+for unstructured header field."
+  (when header-field
+    (let ((name (mail-get-hf-name header-field))
+         (body (mail-get-hf-body header-field)))
+      (when name
+       (list name
+             (when (and body (string-match mail-hf-value-regexp body))
+               (list (match-string 1 body)
+                     (mail-parse-hf-parameters
+                      (substring body (match-end 1))))))))))
+(defun mail-parse-hf-parameters (header-field)
+  "Parse the HEADER-FIELD and return a list of type
+\((HF-ATTR1-NAME . HF-ATTR1-VALUE) (...))."
+  (when (and header-field
+            (string-match mail-hf-param-regexp header-field))
+    (cons (cons (match-string 1 header-field)
+               (or (match-string 3 header-field)
+                   (match-string 2 header-field)))
+         (mail-parse-hf-parameters
+          (substring header-field (match-end 2))))))
+(defun mail-recreate-hf (hf-list)
+  "Return a header field recreated from the HF-LIST."
+  (when hf-list
+    (mail-make-hf
+     (car hf-list)
+     (let ((body (caar (cdr hf-list)))
+          (hf-params (cadr (cadr hf-list))))
+       (dolist (part hf-params body)
+        (let ((attribute (car-safe part))
+              (value (cdr-safe part)))
+          (setq body
+                (concat body "; "
+                        (mail-make-hf-param attribute value)))))))))
+(defun mail-search-hf (name &optional from to)
+  "Find a header field named NAME in the message header.
+Set point at the beginning of the field found, and return point.
+If the header field is not found, do not move the point and return nil.
+The argument FROM defaults to `point-min' and the argument TO is
+set to be the message header end."
+  (let ((found nil)
+       (case-fold-search t)
+       (from (or from (point-min)))
+       (to (or to (mail-header-end-position from (point-max)))))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char from)
+      (save-match-data
+       (when (re-search-forward (concat "^" name ":") to t)
+         (setq found (point-at-bol)))))
+    (when found (goto-char found))))
+(defun mail-hf-body-position ()
+  "Return a position where the current header field body starts."
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-match-data
+      (re-search-forward (format ":\\(%s*\\)" mail-wsp-regexp) nil t))))
+(defun mail-hf-end-position ()
+  "Return a position where the current header field ends."
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-match-data
+      (while (progn
+              (forward-line)
+              (looking-at (format "%s+" mail-wsp-regexp))))
+      (point))))
+(defun mail-get-hf-at-point ()
+  "Return the header field at point."
+  (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (mail-hf-end-position)))
+(defun mail-get-hf (name &optional from to)
+  "Return the whole header field called NAME as a string.
+The argument FROM defaults to `point-min' and the argument TO is
+set to be the message header end.
+The trailing CRLF is also included."
+  (save-excursion
+    (when (mail-search-hf name from to)
+      (mail-get-hf-at-point))))
+(defun mail-get-hf-name (header-field)
+  "Return the name of the HEADER-FIELD."
+  (when header-field
+    (save-match-data
+      (setq header-field (mail-unfold-hf header-field))
+      (when (string-match mail-hf-regexp header-field)
+       (match-string-no-properties 1 header-field)))))
+(defun mail-get-hf-body (header-field)
+  "Return the body of the HEADER-FIELD."
+  (when header-field
+    (save-match-data
+      (setq header-field (mail-unfold-hf header-field))
+      (when (string-match mail-hf-regexp header-field)
+       (match-string-no-properties 2 header-field)))))
+(defun mail-get-hf-value (header-field)
+  "Return the value of the HEADER-FIELD."
+  (when header-field
+    (caar (cdr (mail-parse-hf header-field)))))
+(defun mail-get-hf-attribute (header-field attr-name)
+  "Return the attribute ATTR-NAME from the HEADER-FIELD."
+  (when header-field
+    (let ((attribute-list (cadr (cadr (mail-parse-hf header-field))))
+         attribute)
+      (while (and (setq attribute (car attribute-list))
+                 (not (string-equal (upcase attr-name)
+                                    (upcase (car attribute)))))
+       (setq attribute-list (cdr attribute-list)))
+      (cdr attribute))))
+(defun mail-process-hfs-in-region (from to func)
+  "Enumerate all header fields in the region between FROM and TO and
+call FUNC on them."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char from)
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region from to)
+      ;; RFC 2822, section 2.2.3.
+      (while (re-search-forward "^[^ \t]+:" nil t)
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       ;;(message "Processing `%s' header..."
+       ;;       (mail-get-hf-name (mail-get-hf-at-point)))
+       (funcall func (point) (mail-hf-end-position))
+       ;; Goto next header field
+       (goto-char (mail-hf-end-position)))
+      (- (point-max) from))))
+(defun mail-sort-hfs-in-region (from to sort-list)
+  "Sort header fields in the region between FROM and TO, using
+SORT-LIST as a sequence."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char from)
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region from to)
+      ;; Do the job.
+      (let ((my-pos (point))
+           my-hf)
+       (dolist (sorted-hf sort-list)
+         ;;(message "Sorting `%s' header..." sorted-hf)
+         (when (mail-search-hf sorted-hf)
+           (setq my-hf (mail-get-hf-at-point))
+           (delete-region (point) (mail-hf-end-position))
+           (goto-char my-pos)
+           (insert my-hf)
+           (setq my-pos (point))))))))
+(defun mail-fold-hf (header-field)
+  (when header-field
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      ;;(message "Header to fold:\n%s" header-field)
+      (insert header-field)
+      (mail-fold-region (point-min) (point-max))
+      (buffer-string))))
+(defun mail-fold-region (from to &optional limit)
+  "Fold header fields in the region between FROM and TO,
+as defined by RFC 2822.
+LIMIT defaults to 76."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char from)
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region from to)
+      (let ((limit (or limit 76))
+           start)
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (setq start (point))
+         (goto-char (min (+ (point) (- limit (current-column)))
+                         (point-at-eol)))
+         (if (and (>= (current-column) limit)
+                  (re-search-backward "[ \t]" start t)
+                  (not (looking-at "\n[ \t]")))
+             ;; Insert line break
+             (progn
+               (delete-char 1)
+               (insert-char ?\n 1)         ;; CRLF
+               (insert-char ?\t 1))        ;; WSP
+           (if (re-search-backward "[ \t]" start t)
+               (forward-line)
+             ;; Token is too long, so we skip it
+             (re-search-forward "[ \t]" nil t)
+             (backward-char)
+             (delete-char 1)
+             (insert-char ?\n 1)
+             (insert-char ?\t 1))))))))
+(defun mail-unfold-hf (header-field)
+  (when header-field
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      ;;(message "Header to unfold:\n%s" header-field)
+      (insert header-field)
+      (mail-unfold-region (point-min) (point-max))
+      (buffer-string))))
+(defun mail-unfold-region (from to)
+  "Unfold header fields in the region between FROM and TO, 
+as defined by RFC 2822."
+  (save-excursion
+    (goto-char from)
+    (save-restriction
+      (narrow-to-region from to)
+      (save-match-data
+       (while (re-search-forward
+               (format "%s%s+" mail-crlf-regexp mail-wsp-regexp) nil t)
+         (replace-match " " nil t))))))
 (provide 'mail-utils)
 ;;; arch-tag: b24aec2f-fd65-4ceb-9e39-3cc2827036fd

Alexander Pohoyda <address@hidden>
PGP Key fingerprint: 7F C9 CC 5A 75 CD 89 72  15 54 5F 62 20 23 C6 44

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