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RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmat

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Customize buttons that change user's customfileshouldaskforconfirmation
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2005 09:27:14 -0800

            Set All          (F => C)
            Save All         (F => C,S)

            Get All that can be automatically written by custom-set-*

What is the nuance here? Just what is _not_ being gotten (what values cannot
be automatically written by custom-set*)?

              Standard       (D => F,C)
              Saved          (S => F,C)
              Current        (C => F,C)

    Presumably, `Set All' means `evaluate new values specified in your
    initialization file, both those automatically written by custom-set-*
    as well as those you have written manually, but do not write the new
    initialization file'.

I don't understand this. Set All (F=>C) means set all current values (C) to
the values shown in the edit fields (F). What does this have to do with the
init file?

    Presumably, `Save All' means simply `automatically write custom-set-*
    values into your initialization file, write that file, and then
    evaluate it'.

I was with you up until the last clause, "and then evaluate it". I don't
believe that is the current behavior or what is expressed by F=>C,S (set
current values from edit fields and save edit fields to custom file).
Evaluating the custom file would do a lot more than F=>C, and I expect that
that would introduce unwanted behavior.

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