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Re: assertion fails

From: Tak Ota
Subject: Re: assertion fails
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 18:17:31 -0800 (PST)

Sat, 26 Feb 2005 15:19:03 -0800: <address@hidden> wrote:

> Tak Ota <address@hidden> writes:
> > Hi Kim,
> >
> > Sorry I neglected having my homework done before reporting the
> > incident.  Now I've narrowed it to a specific case.  Here is the
> > recipe.
> >
> > 1. Start emacs with emacs -Q
> > 2. Evaluate this:
> >
> >  (progn
> >    (setq w32-bdf-filename-alist
> >      (w32-find-bdf-fonts '("c:/emacs/intlfonts-1.1/Test")))
> >    (set-default-font "fontset-bdf")
> >    (call-interactively 'info))
> >
> > 3. Observe assertion failure.
> >
> > In the font directory "c:/emacs/intlfonts-1.1/Test" there is only one
> > BDF file which is attached to this message.
> This could be a bug in that specific bdf font -- but I don't use w32,
> so I cannot test it.
> If possible, can you run this in a debugger and print out
> the value of *it ?

I didn't expand inner structures.  Let me know if you need to dig
further into specific internal structures.


|it                                |0x0082ebe8 |
|window                            |-2125923840|
|w                                 |0x0148fa00 |
|f                                 |0x0148f000 |
|method                            |0          |
|stop_charpos                      |261        |
|end_charpos                       |3585       |
|s                                 |0x00000000 |
|                                  |""         |
|string_nchars                     |0          |
|region_beg_charpos                |-1         |
|region_end_charpos                |-1         |
|redisplay_end_trigger_charpos     |0          |
|multibyte_p                       |1          |
|header_line_p                     |1          |
|string_from_display_prop_p        |0          |
|ellipsis_p                        |0          |
|dp                                |0x01604000 |
|dpvec                             |0x00000000 |
|dpend                             |0x00000000 |
|dpvec_char_len                    |0          |
|dpvec_face_id                     |0          |
|saved_face_id                     |0          |
|ctl_chars                         |0x0082ec30 |
|start                             |{...}      |
|current                           |{...}      |
|overlay_strings                   |0x0082eca0 |
|n_overlay_strings                 |0          |
|string                            |557336576  |
|stack                             |0x0082ece8 |
|sp                                |0          |
|selective_display_ellipsis_p      |1          |
|ctl_arrow_p                       |1          |
|selective                         |0          |
|what                              |0          |
|face_id                           |12         |
|face_box_p                        |0          |
|start_of_box_run_p                |0          |
|end_of_box_run_p                  |0          |
|overlay_strings_at_end_processed_p|0          |
|glyph_not_available_p             |0          |
|starts_in_middle_of_char_p        |0          |
|face_before_selective_p           |0          |
|constrain_row_ascent_descent_p    |0          |
|base_face_id                      |0          |
|c                                 |84         |
|len                               |1          |
|cmp_id                            |0          |
|cmp_len                           |0          |
|char_to_display                   |84         |
|image_id                          |0          |
|slice                             |{...}      |
|space_width                       |557336576  |
|voffset                           |0          |
|font_height                       |557336576  |
|object                            |-2115524096|
|position                          |{...}      |
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|truncation_pixel_width            |0          |
|continuation_pixel_width          |0          |
|first_visible_x                   |0          |
|last_visible_x                    |960        |
|last_visible_y                    |448        |
|extra_line_spacing                |0          |
|max_extra_line_spacing            |0          |
|override_ascent                   |-1         |
|override_descent                  |0          |
|override_boff                     |0          |
|glyph_row                         |0x018a41b0 |
|area                              |1          |
|nglyphs                           |1          |
|pixel_width                       |12         |
|ascent                            |25         |
|descent                           |-1         |
|max_ascent                        |0          |
|max_descent                       |0          |
|phys_ascent                       |25         |
|phys_descent                      |-1         |
|max_phys_ascent                   |0          |
|max_phys_descent                  |0          |
|current_x                         |0          |
|continuation_lines_width          |0          |
|current_y                         |48         |
|first_vpos                        |1          |
|vpos                              |2          |
|hpos                              |0          |
|left_user_fringe_bitmap           |0          |
|right_user_fringe_bitmap          |0          |
|left_user_fringe_face_id          |0          |
|right_user_fringe_face_id         |0          |
|it->ascent                        |25         |
|it->descent                       |-1         |

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