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Sensible menu bindings (was Re: A doc typo?)

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Sensible menu bindings (was Re: A doc typo?)
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 11:43:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>> I recently suggested patches to report menu bindings using the real
>> menu item texts rather than the internal names, like this:
>>       File=>Print=>Print With Faces
> I agree it would be an improvement.  But IIRC you did it by modifying
> key-description, which also applies to things like C-h c where I think it's
> important to keep a representation that can be passed directly to `kbd'.

How do you copy/paste the output from C-h c?  From *Messages* buffer?

With C-h k, you get a buffer from which you can copy the original menu
binding -- and with my patch, that binding is still shown for C-h k
(see example below).

> So I'd recommend to add an arg to key-description and then only use it at
> those places where it makes sense (basically, for the keys returned by
> `where-is').

With my patch, (key-description KEY t) will do just that.
Making C-h c using that is trivial (I already did so).

Anyway, Richard don't think this is an improvement, so
unless more people speak up, it's a dead end.

Please support RESEMBI 
  aka. the "report sensible menu bindings initiative" :-)

Some example of RESEMBI:

C-h k "File" "New File..." reports:
| File=>New File... runs the command find-file
|    which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `files'.
| It is also bound to <open>, C-x C-f.
| Menu binding: <menu-bar> <file> <new-file>
| Lisp: (find-file filename &optional wildcards)
| ...
instead of:
| <menu-bar> <file> <new-file> runs the command find-file
|    which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `files'.
| It is bound to <open>, C-x C-f, <menu-bar> <file> <new-file>.
| (find-file filename &optional wildcards)
| ...

Apropos on "find-file" reports:
| ...
| find-file                   File=>New File..., C-x C-f, <open>
|   Command: Edit file FILENAME.
| find-file-at-point          M-x ... RET
|   Command: Find FILENAME, guessing a default from text around point.
| find-file-existing          File=>Open File...
|   Command: Edit the existing file FILENAME.
| ...
instead of
| ...
| find-file                   <menu-bar> <file> <new-file>, C-x C-f, <open>
|   Command: Edit file FILENAME.
| find-file-at-point          M-x ... RET
|   Command: Find FILENAME, guessing a default from text around point.
| find-file-existing          <menu-bar> <file> <open-file>
|   Command: Edit the existing file FILENAME.
| ...

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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