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Re: regexp font-lock highlighting

From: Daniel Brockman
Subject: Re: regexp font-lock highlighting
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 04:45:55 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

martin rudalics <address@hidden> writes:

> The recent modification of `lisp-font-lock-keywords-2' to highlight
> subexpressions of regexps has two minor bugs:


> Finally, I would use three distinct font-lock faces for regexps:

FWIW, I wholeheartedly agree.  

> - One face for highlighting the "\\"s which by default should
>   inherit from `font-lock-string-face' with a dimmed foreground -
>   I'm using Green4 for strings and PaleGreen3 for the "\\"s.

That's exactly what I would like to do.

>   Anyone who doesn't like the highlighting could revert to
>   `font-lock-string-face'.

> - One face for highlighting the "(", "|" and ")" in these
>   expressions.  I find `bold' good here but again would leave it to
>   the user whether she wants to turn off highlighting this.
>   Moreover, such a face could allow paren-highlighting to _never_
>   match a paren with that face with a paren with another face.
>   Consequently, paren-matching could finally provide more trustable
>   information within regular expressions.

That would be awesome.

I'm sorry, I don't have anything to add.  I just felt the need to
support this suggestion.  I have been thinking along the same lines,
only not as well as Martin has. :-)

Daniel Brockman <address@hidden>

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