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Re: list-faces-display

From: Juanma Barranquero
Subject: Re: list-faces-display
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 13:15:21 +0200

Anyway, this is the patch I propose, if deemed a fix and not a feature.


Index: faces.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/lisp/faces.el,v
retrieving revision 1.310
diff -u -2 -r1.310 faces.el
--- faces.el    31 May 2005 11:10:43 -0000      1.310
+++ faces.el    31 May 2005 11:07:42 -0000
@@ -1155,16 +1155,21 @@
   (interactive (list (and current-prefix-arg
                           (read-string "List faces matching regexp: "))))
-  (let ((faces (sort (face-list) #'string-lessp))
+  (let ((all-faces (zerop (length regexp)))
        (frame (selected-frame))
+       (max-length 0)
+       face line-format
        disp-frame window face-name)
-    (when (> (length regexp) 0)
-      (setq faces
-            (delq nil
-                  (mapcar (lambda (f)
-                            (when (string-match regexp (symbol-name f))
-                              f))
-                          faces)))
-      (unless faces
-        (error "No faces matching \"%s\"" regexp)))
+    (setq faces
+         (delq nil
+               (mapcar (lambda (f)
+                         (let ((s (symbol-name f)))
+                           (when (or all-faces (string-match regexp s))
+                             (setq max-length (max (length s) max-length))
+                             f)))
+                       (sort (face-list) #'string-lessp))))
+    (unless faces
+      (error "No faces matching \"%s\"" regexp))
+    (setq max-length (1+ max-length)
+         line-format (format "%%-%ds" max-length))
     (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Faces*"
@@ -1181,5 +1186,5 @@
        (dolist (face faces)
          (setq face-name (symbol-name face))
-         (insert (format "%25s " face-name))
+         (insert (format line-format face-name))
          ;; Hyperlink to a customization buffer for the face.  Using
          ;; the help xref mechanism may not be the best way.
@@ -1206,5 +1211,5 @@
            (forward-line 1)
            (while (not (eobp))
-             (insert "                          ")
+             (insert-char ?\s max-length)
              (forward-line 1))))
        (goto-char (point-min)))

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