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Re: [Mingw-msys] forking issue on Windows XP?

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: [Mingw-msys] forking issue on Windows XP?
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 21:36:45 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Earnie Boyd wrote:

I have had some troubles with the path formats and I hope you can
excuse me for mentioning this in this thread. These troubles related
to building Emacs on w32. I wanted to build with MSYS but it failed.
As far as I could see this was because of the file path conversions.
Therefore I have been following this thread with some interest. (I
had the insane idea of building MSYS myself.)

Have you tried the mingwPORT for emacs?  See 
 for the file to download. BTW, building MSYS isn't that insane of an idea.
Sorry, I did not have the ability to test this before. Well, most of it runs well. I see no changes from the tests I made before (without the scripts you added). The same point fails as before, building of autoloads:

"./../bin/emacs.exe" -batch --no-init-file --no-site-file --multibyte -l autoload \
   --eval '(setq find-file-hook nil \
       find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings t \
       generated-autoload-file \
         "/d/emacscvs/msys/src/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el")' \
-f batch-update-autoloads /d/emacscvs/msys/src/emacs/lisp calc calendar emacs-lisp emulation eshell gnus international language mail mh-e net obsolete play progmodes term textmodes toolbar url Opening output file: no such file or directory, d:/d/emacscvs/msys/src/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el

This comes from the following in the Makefile in the lisp subdirectory:

lisp = $(CURDIR)
autoloads: loaddefs.el doit
   @echo Directories: $(WINS)
   $(emacs) -l autoload \
       --eval $(ARGQUOTE)(setq find-file-hook nil \
           find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings t \
           generated-autoload-file \
             $(DQUOTE)$(lisp)/loaddefs.el$(DQUOTE))$(ARGQUOTE) \
       -f batch-update-autoloads $(lisp) $(WINS)

As one can see from this script it is actually the output of $(CURDIR) that should be changed for this to work. So I misremembered a bit here.

Is there any way to get the current directory in native windows format instead?

Kind regards,

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