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Re: Info is slow in Emacs 22.0.50

From: Nick Roberts
Subject: Re: Info is slow in Emacs 22.0.50
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 13:50:03 +1200

 > > Yes, it seems to be a lot quicker. However,
 > > Info-fontify-maximum-menu-size is defined in Emacs 21.2, and is set to
 > > 100000.
 > It would be good to have a profile produced by elp.el for both
 > versions of Emacs on the same machine.  Could you please try to do
 > that?

See below.


Emacs 22.0.50:

Function Name                 Call Count  Elapsed Time  Average Time
============================  ==========  ============  ============
Info-find-node                7           21.172766     3.0246808571
Info-find-node-2              7           21.128822     3.0184031428
Info-select-node              7           17.411849     2.487407
Info-fontify-node             7           17.036693     2.4338132857
Info-goto-node                6           16.303847     2.7173078333
Info-try-follow-nearest-node  3           5.977882      1.9926273333
re-search-forward             5636        4.425727      0.0007852602
match-string                  9652        2.9236260000  0.0003029036
add-text-properties           4079        1.3989419999  0.0003429620
put-text-property             4796        1.0882859999  0.0002269153
looking-at                    4611        0.7941859999  0.0001722372
info-insert-file-contents     4           0.4103009999  0.1025752499
Info-read-subfile             5           0.376261      0.0752522
Info-hide-cookies-node        7           0.159282      0.0227545714
Info-display-images-node      7           0.139135      0.0198764285
Info-find-in-tag-table        5           0.100092      0.0200184
Info-find-in-tag-table-1      10          0.0990580000  0.0099058000
Info-get-token                10          0.0415750000  0.0041575000
Info-find-file                7           0.0346720000  0.0049531428
info-file-exists-p            51          0.0270569999  0.0005305294
Info-index-node               13          0.0245999999  0.0018923076
info-initialize               13          0.0075040000  0.0005772307
Info-find-node-in-buffer      7           0.007392      0.001056
Info-find-node-in-buffer-1    8           0.0065340000  0.0008167500
Info-extract-menu-node-name   1           0.00376       0.00376
Info-set-mode-line            8           0.0036720000  0.0004590000
Info-escape-percent           6           0.0024220000  0.0004036666
info-insert-file-contents-1   47          0.002114      4.497...e-05
Info-node-at-bob-matching     8           0.0008960000  0.0001120000
Info-following-node-name-re   6           0.000437      7.283...e-05

Emacs 21.2:

Function Name                 Call Count  Elapsed Time  Average Time
============================  ==========  ============  ============
Info-find-node                7           1.948092      0.2782988571
Info-find-node-2              7           1.6609639999  0.2372805714
Info-goto-node                6           1.5201160000  0.2533526666
Info-select-node              7           1.080728      0.1543897142
Info-fontify-node             7           1.0344760000  0.1477822857
re-search-forward             3813        0.7542230000  0.0001978030
Info-try-follow-nearest-node  3           0.7338629999  0.2446209999
add-text-properties           1730        0.1212629999  7.009...e-05
Info-read-subfile             5           0.11837       0.023674
info-file-exists-p            99          0.1125409999  0.0011367777
info-insert-file-contents     4           0.1092979999  0.0273244999
Info-find-in-tag-table        5           0.047457      0.0094914
Info-find-in-tag-table-1      10          0.0466510000  0.0046651
put-text-property             448         0.0236030000  5.268...e-05
looking-at                    223         0.0128719999  5.772...e-05
Info-get-token                7           0.0114979999  0.0016425714
Info-find-node-in-buffer      7           0.006231      0.0008901428
Info-find-node-in-buffer-1    8           0.0055099999  0.0006887499
info-initialize               13          0.0053039999  0.0004079999
info-insert-file-contents-1   95          0.0037479999  3.945...e-05
Info-set-mode-line            8           0.001929      0.000241125
Info-extract-menu-node-name   1           0.001478      0.001478
Info-node-at-bob-matching     8           0.000746      9.325e-05
match-string                  10          0.0003899999  3.899...e-05

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