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RE: Q on Text Properties popup menu - shouldn't it use the pointerpositi

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Q on Text Properties popup menu - shouldn't it use the pointerposition, not the cursor position?
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:37:34 -0700

       The Text Properties popup menu (via `C-mouse-2'),
       currently applies to the cursor position (point).

    No, they apply to the region, or, in Transient Mark mode when the
    region is not active, to any immediately following self-inserting
    input, which happens to be at the cursor position, because C-mouse-2
    does not change the cursor position.  Does it affect the already
    present character under point in your setup?  I do not believe that is
    supposed to happen and it does not happen for me.

Correct, concerning most of the menu items. And that makes sense, since most
of the items do something to text (the text in the region).

The last four items (Describe Properties, Display Faces, Display Colors,
Display Fonts), however, do not affect the region and are not affected by
it. Perhaps there should be a menu separator just above these four items?

The Describe Properties item runs describe-text-properties, which always
references (the character after) point, never a region. Since it references
a single position, to me the best position to use is the mouse-pointer
position (when run from the mouse popup menu). If the mouse pointer does not
point to a character, then an error message should say "No character here"
or some such.

BTW, I think there might also be a minor bug: Each time I use the Text
Properties menu I get this message: "<C-drag-mouse-2> is undefined". This
does not seem to affect the menu action, though; things still work OK.

In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
 of 2005-04-16 on LAPTOP
Distributor `Microsoft Corp.', version 5.1.2600
configured using `configure --with-gcc (3.4)'

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