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Re: RMAIL settings [was: Re: w32 does not have emacsclient/server]

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: RMAIL settings [was: Re: w32 does not have emacsclient/server]
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2005 19:59:44 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Robert J. Chassell wrote:

Microsoft is a corporation that endeavors to restrict both your
economic freedom and mine.  By that decision it has decided to require
either that I behave illegally or that I transfer resources to it in a
non-economic fashion.  I have not done either and cannot help you

Yes, thanks, but please do not educate me on this. I do have a lot of thoughts about the current situation. If you want to discuss this on an equal level I will be glad to but perhaps we should then find another form than the list. Otherwise we might just be wasting time. I might feel as you are offending me though I do not believe that this is actually your intention at all.

 ;; Set this value so that the From field is correct
 (setq mail-host-address "address@hidden")

 ;; You must also set `user-mail-address' so that the From field is correct.
 (setq user-mail-address "address@hidden")
Thanks for the code. Could you give me a hint why the first should be set? Could that be something totally different?

For your information: Stephan Stahl send me some useful comments directly. I am trying to test those to see what actually work on w32 with current CVS. What might be most interesting is IMAP and handling of that. I am not sure I am correct here but I got the impression that IMAP is not so commonly used on the unix side?

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