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Re: Backtrace - where did the error originate?

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: Backtrace - where did the error originate?
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 14:02:56 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Stefan Monnier wrote:

The links in the *Backtrace* buffer is extremely handy when searching for an
error. However I am missing a link to where the error originated in my
code. I miss it so much so I consider it a bug ;-)

Looks like the attached patch got lost on the way.  Can you resend?

       Stefan ;-)
I am sorry you did not receive it. Attached. ;-)
;;; backtr.el --- Finding source code inside a function from *Backtrace* buffer

;; FIX-ME: check for doublette branches

;;; Commentary:
;; This file adds the possibility to move inside a function from the
;; *Backtrace* buffer. Pressing the RET key while over one of the
;; backtrace lines will try to take you to the corresponding position
;; in the source code. However if point is over a symbol or a link the
;; usual action (ie without this file) in the *Backtrace* buffer is
;; used.
;; Some bugs and deficiencies in debug-help-follow are corrected.

;;; History:

;;; Code:

(defun backtr-follow-help-or-goto-line()
  "If position is at symbol show help. Otherwise goto source line."
  (unless (backtr-debug-help-follow (point))

;; Return non-nil if following help. Stay in *Backtrace*.  Remove the
;; unnecessary push-button test. Fix the multiple *Help* buffer bug.
(defun backtr-debug-help-follow (&optional pos)
  "Follow cross-reference at POS, defaulting to point.
For the cross-reference format, see `help-make-xrefs'."
  (interactive "d")
  (require 'help-mode)
  (unless pos
    (setq pos (point)))
  ;; check if the symbol under point is a function or variable
  (let ((sym
            (goto-char pos) (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
            (buffer-substring (point)
                              (progn (skip-syntax-forward "w_")
    (when (or (boundp sym) (fboundp sym) (facep sym))
        (with-output-to-temp-buffer (help-buffer)
          (set-buffer (help-buffer))
          ;; First arg of help-do-xref does not seem to be used???
          (help-do-xref pos #'help-xref-interned (list sym))
          ;; Remove the extra [back] link. FIX-ME: can the extra [back] be 
          (goto-char (point-max))
          (forward-line -2)
          (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
            (delete-region (point) (point-max)))
          ;; Return the text we displayed.
          (with-current-buffer standard-output

;; Debugging tools
(defun backtr-sit-for(sec)
  ;;(sit-for sec)
(defun backtr-message(&rest arg)
  ;;(apply 'message arg)

(defun backtr-goto-line()
  "Goto source line."
  (let ((bn "*Backtrace*"))
    (unless (equal bn (buffer-name)) (error "Not in %s" bn)))
  (let ((started-at (point))
        (last-fun-call nil)
        (to-point (point))
        (button-point nil)
        (deb-lines nil)
      ;; Do not do anything on first line
      (when (equal " "  (char-to-string (following-char)))
        (while (and (not last-fun-call)
                    (setq found-fun (search-forward-regexp "^  \\([a-z-]+\\)" 
nil t)))
          ;;(when (eq (get-text-property (point) 'category) 
          ;; eq does not work????
          (when (get-text-property (point) 'category)
            (setq last-fun-call (text-properties-at (point)))
            (setq button-point (copy-marker (point)))
            (while (> (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)) to-point)
              (let (line
                    (p (copy-marker (point))))
                (forward-line -1)
                (skip-chars-forward " ")
                (setq line (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) 
                (unless skip-next
                  (let* (
                         (pos (string-match "\\(?:\\.\\.\\.\\|#\\|\\*\\)" line))
                         (regexp (if pos (substring line 0 pos) line))
                    ;; Can't get the regexp for * to work???
                    ;;(setq regexp (replace-regexp-in-string "\\*" "\\*" regexp 
t t))
                    ;;(setq regexp (replace-regexp-in-string "\\*" "." regexp t 
                    (setq regexp (replace-regexp-in-string "(lambda[ ]+" 
"(lambda#space#" regexp nil t))
                    (setq regexp (replace-regexp-in-string "[ ]+" "[ \t\r\n]+" 
regexp nil t))
                    (setq regexp (replace-regexp-in-string "(lambda#space#" 
"(lambda[ \t\r\n]*" regexp nil t))
                    (unless (looking-at regexp) (error "Internal error, not 
(looking-at %s)" regexp))
                    (when (and (< 5 (length regexp)) (equal "mapc(" (substring 
regexp 0 5)))
                      (setq regexp (concat "(mapc[ \t\r\n]+" (substring regexp 
                    (setq deb-lines (cons regexp deb-lines)))
                (if (equal "(when " (substring line 0 6)) (setq skip-next t) 
(setq skip-next nil))
    (when found-fun
      (setq deb-lines (reverse deb-lines))
      (push-button button-point)
      (setq backtr-hits nil)
      (backtr-find 0 deb-lines t)
      (setq backtr-hits (reverse backtr-hits))
      ;;(goto-char (car backtr-hits))
      (setq backtr-current-hit nil)
      (when (< 1 (length backtr-hits))
        ;;(message "There are %s positions possible, use `backtr-next-hit' for 
next (%s)" (length backtr-hits) backtr-hits)
        (message "There are %s positions possible, use `backtr-next-hit' for 
next" (length backtr-hits))

(defvar backtr-current-hit nil
  "Used by `backtr-next-hit' and `backtr-prev-hit'.")

(defvar backtr-hits nil
  "Number of final hits when trying to find source code.")

(defun backtr-next-hit()
  "Go to next hit in source code."
  (if (not backtr-hits)
      (message "No backtrace hits active")
    (let ((hit (if (not backtr-current-hit) 0 (1+ backtr-current-hit))))
      (if (<= (length backtr-hits) hit)
          (message "No next hit, use `backtr-prev-hit' to go back.")
        (setq backtr-current-hit hit)
        (let ((m (nth hit backtr-hits)))
          (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer m))
          (goto-char m))))))

(defun backtr-prev-hit()
  "Go to prev hit in source code."
  (if (not backtr-hits)
      (message "No backtrace hits active")
    (let ((hit (if (not backtr-current-hit) (1- (length backtr-hits)) (1- 
      (if (< hit 0)
          (message "No prev hit, use `backtr-next-hit' to go forward.")
        (setq backtr-current-hit hit)
        (let ((m (nth hit backtr-hits)))
          (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer m))
          (goto-char m))))))

(defun backtr-find(level trace-list find-all)
  "From TRACE-LIST find source code position."
  (let ((started-at (point))
        (trace-tail (cdr trace-list))
        (regexp (car trace-list)))
    (while (not (or found-this-at end-of-parents))
      (backtr-message "backtr-find %s %s" level regexp) (backtr-sit-for 1)
      (while (not (or found-this-at end-of-siblings))
        (forward-comment 10)
        (backtr-sit-for 0.5)
        (if (looking-at regexp)
              (backtr-message "OK looking at %s" regexp)(backtr-sit-for 1)
              (setq found-this-at (point)))
          (condition-case err
            (error (setq end-of-siblings t)))
      (when found-this-at
        (if (not trace-tail)
              (setq backtr-hits (cons (point-marker) backtr-hits))
              (setq found t))
          (setq start-this (point))
          (setq found (backtr-find (1+ level) trace-tail find-all))
          (unless found
            (backtr-message "back, but not found")(backtr-sit-for 2)
            (setq found-this-at nil)
            (when start-this (goto-char start-this))
            (backtr-sit-for 2)))
        (when find-all (setq found-this-at nil))
      (unless (and found (not find-all))
        (condition-case err
          (error (setq end-of-parents t)))
        (forward-comment 10)(backtr-sit-for 0.1))
    (unless found-this-at
      (backtr-message "going back to started at=%s" started-at)
      (backtr-sit-for 2)
      (goto-char started-at)
      (backtr-sit-for 2))

(eval-after-load 'debug
  '(define-key debugger-mode-map [?\r] 'backtr-follow-help-or-goto-line))

(provide 'backtr)

;;; backtr.el ends here

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