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Re: blink-matching-open resizes echo area

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: blink-matching-open resizes echo area
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 19:19:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Does this version work right?

(defun blink-matching-open ()
  "Move cursor momentarily to the beginning of the sexp before point."

It does, but I would apply some further changes:

(1) Relocate the comment "Don't log messages about paren matching.".

(2) Replace "(/= (char-after (1- oldpos)) matching-paren)" by
    "(/= (char-before oldpos) matching-paren)".

(3) Replace

            (if (save-excursion
                  (goto-char blinkpos)


            (if (pos-visible-in-window-p blinkpos)

(4) Replace "(progn (beginning-of-line) (point))" by "(line-beginning-position)"
    and "(progn (end-of-line) (point))" by "(line-end-position)".

Moreover, I'd do away with `mismatch' and `matching-paren', not move
around unnecessarily when `blink-matching-paren-on-screen' is nil or a
previous nonblank line can be found, and regroup some of the conditions
a bit - tiny changes only, but I'm afraid this won't convince you ...

(defun blink-matching-open ()
  "Move cursor momentarily to the beginning of the sexp before point."
  (when (and (> (point) (1+ (point-min)))
             ;; Verify an even number of quoting characters precede the close.
             (= 1 (logand 1 (- (point)
                                 (forward-char -1)
                                 (skip-syntax-backward "/\\")
    (let ((oldpos (point))
          message-log-max             ; Don't log messages about paren matching.
          (if blink-matching-paren-distance
              (narrow-to-region (max (point-min)
                                     (- (point) blink-matching-paren-distance))
          (condition-case ()
              (let ((parse-sexp-ignore-comments
                     (and parse-sexp-ignore-comments
                          (not blink-matching-paren-dont-ignore-comments))))
                (setq blinkpos (scan-sexps oldpos -1)))
            (error nil)))
         ((not blinkpos)
          ;; No matching open found.
          (unless blink-matching-paren-distance
            (message "Unmatched parenthesis")))
         ((let ((syntax (syntax-after blinkpos)))
            ;; Not syntax '$'.
            (and (not (eq (syntax-class syntax) 8))
                 (or (not (consp syntax))
                     (not (eq (syntax-class syntax) 4))
                     (null (cdr syntax))
                     (/= (char-before oldpos) (cdr syntax)))))
          ;; Mismatching open.
          (message "Mismatched parentheses"))
         ((pos-visible-in-window-p blinkpos)
          ;; Matching open within window, temporarily move to blinkpos but only
          ;; if `blink-matching-paren-on-screen' is non-nil.
          (when blink-matching-paren-on-screen
            (goto-char blinkpos)
            (sit-for blink-matching-delay)))
          ;; Matching open not within window.
          (goto-char blinkpos)
          (setq open-paren-line-string
                 ;; Show what precedes the open in its line, if anything.
                    (skip-chars-backward " \t")
                    (not (bolp)))
                  (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (1+ blinkpos)))
                 ;; Show what follows the open in its line, if anything.
                    (forward-char 1)
                    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
                    (not (eolp)))
                  (buffer-substring blinkpos (line-end-position)))
                 ;; Show the previous nonblank line, if there is one.
                    (skip-chars-backward "\n \t")
                    (not (bobp)))
                      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
                   ;; Replace newline(s) and other whitespace with `...'.
                   (buffer-substring blinkpos (1+ blinkpos))))
                 ;; There is nothing to show except the char itself.
                 (t (buffer-substring blinkpos (1+ blinkpos)))))
          (message "Matches %s"
                   (substring-no-properties open-paren-line-string))))))))

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