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Re: ispell-aspell-find-dictionary: Opening input file: no such file or d

From: Eugene Vlasov
Subject: Re: ispell-aspell-find-dictionary: Opening input file: no such file or directory
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 12:24:27 +0600

On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 10:44:01PM -0400 Richard M. Stallman wrote:

> This patch tries to preserve standard elements of ispell-dictionary-alist
> for dictionaries that are not found by ispell-aspell-find-dictionary.
> Does it do the job for you?

Yes, with this patch I can check spell with russian dictionary. But
here error:

> --- 898,915 ----
>        (split-string
>         (with-temp-buffer
>           (call-process ispell-program-name nil t nil "dicts")
> !         (buffer-string))))
> !     ;; Search for the named dictionaries.
> !     (found
> !      (delq nil 
> !            (mapcar #'ispell-aspell-find-dictionary dictionaries))))

Variable dictionaries not bound at this time. I use let*:

--- emacs/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el      2005-10-09 19:02:50 +0600
+++ emacs.build/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el        2005-10-19 12:08:20 +0600
@@ -894,13 +894,22 @@
   "Find Aspell's dictionaries, and record in `ispell-dictionary-alist'."
   (unless ispell-really-aspell
     (error "This function only works with aspell"))
-  (let ((dictionaries
+  (let* ((dictionaries
            (call-process ispell-program-name nil t nil "dicts")
-           (buffer-string)))))
-    (setq ispell-dictionary-alist
-         (mapcar #'ispell-aspell-find-dictionary dictionaries))
+           (buffer-string))))
+       ;; Search for the named dictionaries.
+       (found
+        (delq nil 
+              (mapcar #'ispell-aspell-find-dictionary dictionaries))))
+    ;; Merge into FOUND any elements from the standard ispell-dictionary-alist
+    ;; which have no element in FOUND at all.    
+    (dolist (dict ispell-dictionary-alist)
+      (unless (assoc (car dict) found)
+       (setq found (nconc found (list dict)))))
+    (setq ispell-dictionary-alist found)
     ;; Add a default entry
     (let* ((english-dict (assoc "en" ispell-dictionary-alist))
@@ -922,6 +931,9 @@
     (car (split-string (buffer-string)))))
 (defun ispell-aspell-find-dictionary (dict-name)
+  ;; This returns nil if the data file does not exist.
+  ;; Can someone please explain the return value format when the
+  ;; file does exist -- rms?
   (let* ((lang ;; Strip out region, variant, etc.
          (and (string-match "^[[:alpha:]]+" dict-name)
               (match-string 0 dict-name)))
@@ -931,35 +943,37 @@
                            (ispell-get-aspell-config-value "data-dir")))
                  "/" lang ".dat"))
-    ;; This file really should exist; there is no sensible recovery.
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (insert-file-contents data-file)
-      ;; There is zero or one line with special characters declarations.
-      (when (search-forward-regexp "^special" nil t)
-       (let ((specials (split-string
-                        (buffer-substring (point)
-                                          (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
-         ;; The line looks like: special ' -** - -** . -** : -*-
-         ;; -** means that this character
-         ;;    - doesn't appear at word start
-         ;;    * may appear in the middle of a word
-         ;;    * may appear at word end
-         ;; `otherchars' is about the middle case.
-         (while specials
-           (when (eq (aref (cadr specials) 1) ?*)
-             (push (car specials) otherchars))
-           (setq specials (cddr specials))))))
-    (list dict-name
-         "[[:alpha:]]"
-         "[^[:alpha:]]"
-         (regexp-opt otherchars)
-         t                             ; We can't tell, so set this to t
-         (list "-d" dict-name "--encoding=utf-8")
-         nil                           ; aspell doesn't support this
-         ;; Here we specify the encoding to use while communicating with
-         ;; aspell.  This doesn't apply to command line arguments, so
-         ;; just don't pass words to spellcheck as arguments...
-         'utf-8)))
+    (condition-case ()
+       (with-temp-buffer
+         (insert-file-contents data-file)
+         ;; There is zero or one line with special characters declarations.
+         (when (search-forward-regexp "^special" nil t)
+           (let ((specials (split-string
+                            (buffer-substring (point)
+                                              (progn (end-of-line) (point))))))
+             ;; The line looks like: special ' -** - -** . -** : -*-
+             ;; -** means that this character
+             ;;    - doesn't appear at word start
+             ;;    * may appear in the middle of a word
+             ;;    * may appear at word end
+             ;; `otherchars' is about the middle case.
+             (while specials
+               (when (eq (aref (cadr specials) 1) ?*)
+                 (push (car specials) otherchars))
+               (setq specials (cddr specials)))))
+         (list dict-name
+               "[[:alpha:]]"
+               "[^[:alpha:]]"
+               (regexp-opt otherchars)
+               t                            ; We can't tell, so set this to t
+               (list "-d" dict-name "--encoding=utf-8")
+               nil                             ; aspell doesn't support this
+               ;; Here we specify the encoding to use while communicating with
+               ;; aspell.  This doesn't apply to command line arguments, so
+               ;; just don't pass words to spellcheck as arguments...
+               'utf-8))
+      (file-error
+       nil))))
 (defun ispell-aspell-add-aliases ()
   "Find aspell's dictionary aliases and add them to `ispell-dictionary-alist'."

With this changes spell checking works for me.

WBR, Eugene Vlasov        mailto:eugvv at altlinux.ru
                          JID: address@hidden

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