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Re: shell mode syntax higlighting problem with here documents

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: shell mode syntax higlighting problem with here documents
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 23:48:49 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> #!/bin/bash
> cat << EOF | \
>     tee -a bug.txt

> This is a test case for a bug in bash shell mode text highlighting

If people who hack on SH scripts with lots of heredoc thingies could try the
patch below, it would help.  It's relative to the Emacs-CVS code.
It seems "safe" and appears to do the right thing with the above example,
but I'd like to get some positive feedback before installing it,


--- orig/lisp/progmodes/sh-script.el
+++ mod/lisp/progmodes/sh-script.el
@@ -869,7 +869,18 @@
 (defconst sh-st-symbol (string-to-syntax "_"))
 (defconst sh-here-doc-syntax (string-to-syntax "|")) ;; generic string
-(defconst sh-here-doc-open-re 
+(defconst sh-escaped-line-re
+  (concat
+   "\\(?:"
+   ;; First the real regexp.
+   "\\(?:.*[^\\\n]\\)?\\(?:\\(?:\\\\\\\\\\)*\\\\\n\\(?:.*[^\\\n]\\)?\\)*"
+   ;; Then a failsafe fallback: in case the search boundary prevents us from
+   ;; finding the actual end of line.
+   "\\|.*\\)"))
+(defconst sh-here-doc-open-re
+  (concat "<<-?\\s-*\\\\?\\(\\(?:['\"][^'\"]+['\"]\\|\\sw\\)+\\)"
+          sh-escaped-line-re "\\(\n\\)"))
 (defvar sh-here-doc-markers nil)
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'sh-here-doc-markers)
@@ -883,7 +894,9 @@
          ;; A rough regexp that should find the opening <<EOF back.
         (sre (concat "<<\\(-?\\)\\s-*['\"\\]?"
                      ;; Use \s| to cheaply check it's an open-heredoc.
-                     eof-re "['\"]?\\([ \t|;&)<>].*\\)?\\s|"))
+                     eof-re "['\"]?\\([ \t|;&)<>]"
+                      sh-escaped-line-re
+                      "\\)?\\s|"))
         ;; A regexp that will find other EOFs.
         (ere (concat "^" (if indented "[ \t]*") eof-re "\n"))
         (start (save-excursion
@@ -922,7 +935,8 @@
 START is the position of <<.
 STRING is the actual word used as delimiter (f.ex. \"EOF\").
 INDENTED is non-nil if the here document's content (and the EOF mark) can
-be indented (i.e. a <<- was used rather than just <<)."
+be indented (i.e. a <<- was used rather than just <<).
+Point is at the beginning of the next line."
   (unless (or (memq (char-before start) '(?< ?>))
              (sh-in-comment-or-string start))
     ;; We're looking at <<STRING, so we add "^STRING$" to the syntactic
@@ -933,6 +947,20 @@
        (setq sh-here-doc-re
              (concat sh-here-doc-open-re "\\|^\\([ \t]*\\)"
                      (regexp-opt sh-here-doc-markers t) "\\(\n\\)"))))
+    (let ((ppss (save-excursion (syntax-ppss (1- (point))))))
+      (if (nth 4 ppss)
+          ;; The \n not only starts the heredoc but also closes a comment.
+          ;; Let's close the comment just before the \n.
+          (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'syntax-table '(12))) ;">"
+      (if (or (> (count-lines start (point)) 1) (nth 5 ppss))
+          ;; If the sh-escaped-line-re part of sh-here-doc-re has matched
+          ;; several lines, make sure we refontify them together.
+          ;; Furthermore, if (nth 5 ppss) is non-nil (i.e. the \n is
+          ;; escaped), it means we haven't actually found the right \n.
+          ;; Don't bother fixing it now, but place a multiline property so
+          ;; that when jit-lock-context-* refontifies the rest of the
+          ;; buffer, it also refontifies the current line with it.
+          (put-text-property start (point) 'font-lock-multiline t)))
 (defun sh-font-lock-here-doc (limit)

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