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RE: Q on frame focus with MS Windows

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Q on frame focus with MS Windows
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 16:43:24 -0700

It turns out that this will do the trick for me:

    (defun foo () (interactive)
      (display-buffer (get-buffer-create "foo")
      (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame (minibuffer-window))))

It was select-frame-set-input-focus that I was missing - in particular,
w32-focus-frame. I thought I had already tried it, but I guess not.

BTW - It seems that the problem is not just with newly created frames (which
is why I do the select-frame-set-input-focus even when no new frame is
created).  In spite of the doc string for display-buffer, on MS Windows
display-buffer always sends the focus to the displayed buffer. Try the code
I sent originally, with buffer foo already displayed in some unselected
frame.  Buffer foo's frame will get the focus, so the
minibuffer-local-completion-map binding will not be used when you hit
[next] - instead, the global binding for [next] in buffer foo is used.

Thanks, Lennart.

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