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Re: Does font-lock-mode-hook still exist?

From: Andrew M. Scott
Subject: Re: Does font-lock-mode-hook still exist?
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 07:59:27 -0700

Sorry for the delay, I have been out for two days.

    >>>>> "Stefan" == Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:
    >> Does font-lock-mode-hook still exist?
   Stefan> Yes. Did it fail to work for you?

No. font-lock-mode-hook appears to be working correctly for me in
ansi-color.el, spice-mode.el, and the v5.14 beta cperl-mode.el,

    Stefan> PS: The hook variable may not be defined (or documented
    Stefan> for that matter), but that doesn't prevent you from using
    Stefan> it with run-hooks, add-hook, remove-hook, ...

Reading this last statement resulted in a smile and a chuckle,
especially as I mentally substituted the word "feature" for "hook
variable" :-) 

I guess I'm lobbying for some minimal documentation on
font-lock-mode-hook, e.g. in the (font-lock.el or font-core.el) and
either the Emacs or Lisp Info pages:

1. global-font-lock-mode has recently been changed to enabled by
2. Folks developing new modes usually want to add font-locking. Should
   they use font-lock-mode-hook or not? How would they know that
   font-lock-mode-hook exists? It's "undiscoverable" in that there is
   no mention or example in the Emacs or Elisp info pages, but only in
   the actual ansi-color or hi-lock packages themselves.

Andy Scott

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