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Re: emacs segfault on bootstrap

From: David Koppelman
Subject: Re: emacs segfault on bootstrap
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:24:56 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

I have encountered a similar problem. Could you try putting

CFLAGS="-g -O2"

near the top of "configure", perhaps just above
the line:
  # Be Bourne compatible

Then re-run configure, do a "make clean" and then a "make bootstrap".

address@hidden writes:

>> A "./configure --prefix=/opt/emacs22 --disable-largefile" runs without
>> problems.
>> But when I type "make bootstrap", I become the following errormessage:
>> [bootstrap-emacs] Speicherzugriffsfehler
>> | make[2]: Verlasse Verzeichnis Â»/misc/cvs/emacs/srcÂ«
>> | make[1]: *** [bootstrap-build] Fehler 2
>> | make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis Â»/misc/cvs/emacsÂ«
>> | make: *** [bootstrap] Fehler 2
>> +----
>> What goes wrong here - anybody an idea?
> I can't reproduce this.

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