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Re: CC Mode 5.31.3

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: Re: CC Mode 5.31.3
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 20:39:20 +0000 (GMT)

Hi, Emacs!

On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Richard Stallman wrote:

>    The issues with the Mode Name, and minor mode flags in the mode line are
>    still unresolved.  On typing M-x smerge-mode, C Mode's flags (the "/la"
>    of "C/la") now stay with the major mode, but this is done by setting
>    mode-name to "C/la", a stop-gap solution at best.

>Anyway, can't you achieve what you want with a local
>binding for mode-line-modes?  Or mode-line-process?

I've now got a solution, almost complete, to the CC Mode submode flags.
It works in Emacs 2[012] and XEmacs 21.4.4.  My new functions walk
through mode-line-format, and insert c-submode-flags into whatever
appropriate structure, just after mode-name, making a buffer-local copy
of whatever.

It still needs text properties (help-echo) applying to it.  Anyhow, see
what you think of the following:

(defvar c-submode-indicators "/la"
  "The dummy submode indicators for CC Mode")

(or (fboundp 'caddr)
    (defun caddr (kons) (car (cdr (cdr kons)))))

(defun c-locate-mode-name (ml-form)
  "In ML-FORM, a mode-line construct, locate the variable `mode-name'.

\(i) (t . SYMBOL) if SYMBOL is the symbol within ml-form that directly
contains mode-name.
\(ii) The cons whose car is or generates mode-name.
\(iii) t if ml-form is an atom which is mode-name, or an eval: form which
generates it.
\(iv) nil, if we don't find it."
  (let (rec-return
        (mode-name "Ceci n'est pas un nom de mode."))
     ((null ml-form) nil)
     ((stringp ml-form)
      (string= ml-form mode-name))

     ((symbolp ml-form)
      (when (and (boundp ml-form)
                 (setq rec-return (c-locate-mode-name (symbol-value ml-form))))
         ((eq rec-return t) t)          ; the symbol is `mode-name'.
         ((consp rec-return)
          (if (eq (car rec-return) t)
              rec-return                ; a recursively included symbol.
            `(t . ,ml-form))))))   ; `mode-name' is directly "in" this symbol.

     ((consp ml-form)
       ((eq (car ml-form) ':eval)
        (if (string= mode-name (eval (cadr ml-form)))
            t))                  ; maybe we should test for string inclusion??
       ((symbolp (car ml-form))
        (if (boundp (car ml-form))
            (c-locate-mode-name (if (symbol-value (car ml-form))
                                    (cadr ml-form)
                                  (caddr ml-form)))))

            (and ml-form
                 (not (setq rec-return (c-locate-mode-name (car ml-form))))
                 (consp (cdr ml-form)))
          (setq ml-form (cdr ml-form)))
        (if (and ml-form (not rec-return)) ; dotted pair at end of list (XEmacs)
            (setq rec-return (c-locate-mode-name (cdr ml-form))))
        (if (eq rec-return t)

(defun c-copy-tree (kons)
  "Make a copy of the list structure, KONS, such that it is completely
distinct from the original list.  Don't use on circular lists!"
  (if (consp kons)
      (cons (c-copy-tree (car kons))
            (c-copy-tree (cdr kons)))

(defun c-splice-submode-indicators ()
  (interactive)                         ; Remove this, eventually.  FIXME!!!
  (let (target-cons new-link symb)
    ;; Identify the variable we need to make buffer-local and copy.
    (setq target-cons (c-locate-mode-name 'mode-line-format))
    (unless (and (consp target-cons)
                 (eq (car target-cons) t))
      (error "c-locate-mode-name, seeking symbol, returned %s" target-cons))
    (setq symb (cdr target-cons))

    ;; Make a buffer local copy of this symbol's value.
    (make-local-variable symb)
    (set symb (c-copy-tree (symbol-value symb)))

    ;; Find the cons within this symbol which generates MODE-NAME.
    (setq target-cons (c-locate-mode-name (symbol-value symb)))
    (if (or (not (consp target-cons))
            (eq (car target-cons) t))
        (error "c-locate-mode-name, seeking cons, returned %s" target-cons))

    ;; Splice c-submode-indicators into the list structure.
    (setcdr target-cons (cons 'c-submode-indicators (cdr target-cons)))))

Alan Mackenzie (Munich, Germany)

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