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Problem report #63

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: Problem report #63
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:48:02 -0700

Thanks for analyzing the previous reports. The batch I am sending now
is the last for the emacs/src/* files.

CID: 63
Checker: UNINIT (help)
File: emacs/src/window.c
Function: Fpos_visible_in_window_p
Description: Using uninitialized value "y"

Event var_decl: Declared variable "y" without initializer
Also see events: [uninit_use]

CID: 63
Checker: UNINIT (help)
File: emacs/src/window.c
Function: Fpos_visible_in_window_p
Description: Using uninitialized value "x"

352       int x, y;
354       w = decode_window (window);
355       buf = XBUFFER (w->buffer);
356       SET_TEXT_POS_FROM_MARKER (top, w->start);

At conditional (1): "pos != Qnil" taking true path

358       if (!NILP (pos))
359         {

At conditional (2): "pos & 7 == 2" taking true path
At conditional (3): "((pos & -8)->u_marker).type == 24236" taking true path
At conditional (4): "0" taking false path

360           CHECK_NUMBER_COERCE_MARKER (pos);
361           posint = XINT (pos);
362         }
363       else if (w == XWINDOW (selected_window))
364         posint = PT;
365       else
366         posint = XMARKER (w->pointm)->charpos;
368       /* If position is above window start or outside buffer boundaries,
369          or if window start is out of range, position is not visible.  */

At conditional (5): "posint >= (top).charpos" taking true path
At conditional (6): "posint <= (buf)->zv" taking true path
At conditional (7): "(top).charpos >= (buf)->begv" taking true path
At conditional (8): "(top).charpos <= (buf)->zv" taking false path

370       if (posint >= CHARPOS (top)
371           && posint <= BUF_ZV (buf)
372           && CHARPOS (top) >= BUF_BEGV (buf)
373           && CHARPOS (top) <= BUF_ZV (buf)
374           && pos_visible_p (w, posint, &x, &y, &rtop, &rbot, NILP 
375           && (fully_p = !rtop && !rbot, (!NILP (partially) || fully_p)))
376         in_window = Qt;

At conditional (9): "in_window != Qnil" taking true path
At conditional (10): "partially != Qnil" taking true path

378       if (!NILP (in_window) && !NILP (partially))

Event uninit_use: Using uninitialized value "y"
Also see events: [var_decl]

379         in_window = Fcons (make_number (x),
380                            Fcons (make_number (y),
381                                   Fcons ((fully_p ? Qnil
382                                          : Fcons (make_number (rtop),
383                                                   make_number (rbot))),
384                                          Qnil)));

Event var_decl: Declared variable "x" without initializer
Also see events: [uninit_use]

352       int x, y;
354       w = decode_window (window);
355       buf = XBUFFER (w->buffer);
356       SET_TEXT_POS_FROM_MARKER (top, w->start);

At conditional (1): "pos != Qnil" taking true path

358       if (!NILP (pos))
359         {

At conditional (2): "pos & 7 == 2" taking true path
At conditional (3): "((pos & -8)->u_marker).type == 24236" taking true path
At conditional (4): "0" taking false path

360           CHECK_NUMBER_COERCE_MARKER (pos);
361           posint = XINT (pos);
362         }
363       else if (w == XWINDOW (selected_window))
364         posint = PT;
365       else
366         posint = XMARKER (w->pointm)->charpos;
368       /* If position is above window start or outside buffer boundaries,
369          or if window start is out of range, position is not visible.  */

At conditional (5): "posint >= (top).charpos" taking true path
At conditional (6): "posint <= (buf)->zv" taking true path
At conditional (7): "(top).charpos >= (buf)->begv" taking true path
At conditional (8): "(top).charpos <= (buf)->zv" taking false path

370       if (posint >= CHARPOS (top)
371           && posint <= BUF_ZV (buf)
372           && CHARPOS (top) >= BUF_BEGV (buf)
373           && CHARPOS (top) <= BUF_ZV (buf)
374           && pos_visible_p (w, posint, &x, &y, &rtop, &rbot, NILP 
375           && (fully_p = !rtop && !rbot, (!NILP (partially) || fully_p)))
376         in_window = Qt;

At conditional (9): "in_window != Qnil" taking true path
At conditional (10): "partially != Qnil" taking true path

378       if (!NILP (in_window) && !NILP (partially))

Event uninit_use: Using uninitialized value "x"
Also see events: [var_decl]

379         in_window = Fcons (make_number (x),
380                            Fcons (make_number (y),
381                                   Fcons ((fully_p ? Qnil
382                                          : Fcons (make_number (rtop),
383                                                   make_number (rbot))),
384                                          Qnil)));

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