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RE: provide an easy way to customize inherited faces

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: provide an easy way to customize inherited faces
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:02:38 -0700

    > When a face inherits from others, the list of inherited faces
    > should be shown explicitly in the Customize buffer in some fashion.

    The problem is that it's a tree, not a list.  So it's significantly more
    difficult to display.

True. But that's all the more reason to do it. If people can only manifest
the tree one node at a time (as Richard suggested: go to an inherited face,
go to a face inherited by that inherited face, etc.), then they will quickly
lose the forest for the trees (actually, lose the tree for the branches).

A tree can also be collapsed, to save space. Don't we have a widget tree
thing that could be used here?

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