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RE: address@hidden: Customize valuemenudoesn'trecognizemouse-2]

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: address@hidden: Customize valuemenudoesn'trecognizemouse-2]
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:16:29 -0700

    > Mouse-2 is the standard way to activate anything in the
    > buffer in Emacs. Mouse-1 also works but with some complications.
    > I don't think we should make anything that fails to activate
    > with Mouse-2.

    Even though, if a user clicks mouse-2 on a button to open the value
    menu, she will then need to use only mouse-1 to select items from that
    menu?  That doesn't seem a good UI to me.

My bug report was precisely to eliminate that inconsistency and annoyance.
But, as I stated, I would prefer that consistency be achieved by upgrading,
not downgrading: mouse-2 should both open the value menu and let you choose
an item from it.

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