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Re: Switching to Subversion

From: Thomas Arendsen Hein
Subject: Re: Switching to Subversion
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:55:23 +0100
User-agent: mutt-ng/devel-r804 (Linux)

* dhruva <address@hidden> [20061113 10:54]:
> - I was then inclined in using bazaar which is implemented in PYTHON.
> Since PYTHON is quite well ported, I assumed the clients would run
> seamlessly on VMS. The snag was that the current bazaar-ng requires
> PYTHON 2.5+ (only 2.4 is ported on VMS)
> - CVS was was the only option left. The client was available on ALPHA
> VMS, with miminal changes to the build scripts, I was able to get it
> on IA64 (Itanium) VMS.
> Ever since, we have being using CVS. I am waiting for getting PYTHON
> 2.5 on VMS to be able to start using bazaar-ng. IMO, the idea of
> client being developed in a language that is interpreted or works on a
> virtual machine is ideal. The SCM developers need not worry on
> portability and can concentrate on adding the SCM features!

Mercurial runs fine on Python 2.3. It uses very few C extensions,
but they have been tested on many architectures and platforms.


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