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Re: Bug in emacsbug.el

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: Bug in emacsbug.el
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 00:06:57 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061025)

Michaël Cadilhac wrote:
Lennart Borgman <address@hidden> writes:

I think this test in `report-emacs-bug' tests the wrong mail address:

      ;; Insert warnings for novice users.
      (when (string-match "@gnu\\.org^" reporting-address)
        (insert "This bug report will be sent to the Free Software 
        (let ((pos (point)))
          (insert "not to your local site managers!")
          (put-text-property pos (point) 'face 'highlight)))

Should it not test `user-mail-address' instead?

Don't think so.  This warning is here to warn the user that the email
(s)he writes is GOING TO the FSF, not to the local sysadmin.

Why do you want to test user-mail-address? Maybe something's missing
in the warning set of emacsbug in your opinion?

Oh, sorry. It is the regexp that is bad I think. It should probably be "@gnu\\.org$".

But I noted more strange things in `report-emacs-bug'. There are a lot of statements like

    (put-text-property pos (point) 'face 'highlight)

They does not seem to work. If the OBJECT parameter to put-text-property is a string it works, but it does not work with (current-buffer) as far as I can see.

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