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partial-parse-sexp: Doc-string correction.

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: partial-parse-sexp: Doc-string correction.
Date: 10 Dec 2006 00:33:35 +0100
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 00:43:48 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Hi, Emacs!

I've just committed the following change (which is a pure correction,
not seeming to require any discussion).

* syntax.c (Fpartial_parse_sexp): Correct Docco: Elt 8 of the
result is now neither the last elt nor optional for OLDSTATE.

Index: syntax.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/emacs/emacs/src/syntax.c,v
retrieving revision 1.201
diff -c -r1.201 syntax.c
*** syntax.c    24 Nov 2006 09:49:37 -0000      1.201
--- syntax.c    9 Dec 2006 23:25:29 -0000
*** 3046,3052 ****
   any character that starts a sexp.
  Fifth arg OLDSTATE is a list like what this function returns.
   It is used to initialize the state of the parse.  Elements number 1, 2, 6
!  and 8 are ignored; you can leave off element 8 (the last) entirely.
  Sixth arg COMMENTSTOP non-nil means stop at the start of a comment.
   If it is symbol `syntax-table', stop after the start of a comment or a
   string, or after end of a comment or a string.  */)
--- 3046,3052 ----
   any character that starts a sexp.
  Fifth arg OLDSTATE is a list like what this function returns.
   It is used to initialize the state of the parse.  Elements number 1, 2, 6
!  and 8 are ignored.
  Sixth arg COMMENTSTOP non-nil means stop at the start of a comment.
   If it is symbol `syntax-table', stop after the start of a comment or a
   string, or after end of a comment or a string.  */)

Alan Mackenzie (Munich, Germany)

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