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Huge gap between fringe and scroll-bar

From: Leo
Subject: Huge gap between fringe and scroll-bar
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:07:35 +0000
User-agent: Gnus v5.11, Emacs/ (20070101), Fedora 6 gnu/linux

Emacs's native scroll-bar (--without-toolkit-scroll-bars) can have a
huge gap between fringe and scroll-bar. To see this:

  emacs -Q -l sb.el

Where sb.el has:
,----[ sb.el ]
| (setq initial-frame-alist
|       '((scroll-bar-width . 10)))

As you can see the gap between the fringe and scroll-bar is close to
8 pixels. I see no gap for gtk scroll-bar though.


PNG image

To compare:

  emacs -Q


PNG image

BTW, can I set scroll-bar width in X resource file?

Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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