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Same 'face' spec initialized to different values for x and terminal

From: Leo
Subject: Same 'face' spec initialized to different values for x and terminal
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 21:56:18 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 Emacs 23 (MULE 6.0; 2007-05-31) Fedora 7 (gnu/linux)

Hi Emacs developers,

The following 'face' is extracted from 'dictem.el¹'

(defface dictem-database-description-face
  '((((background light)) (:bold t :foreground "darkblue"))
    (((background dark))  (:bold t :foreground "white")))

  "The face that is used for displaying a database description"
  :group 'dictem-faces)

In X, start 'emacs -q -l dictem.el':

dictem-database-description-face is initialized to:
        Weight: bold
         Slant: unspecified
    Foreground: darkblue

In Xterm, start 'emacs -nw -q -l dictem.el':
        Weight: bold
         Slant: unspecified
    Foreground: white

*NB*: emacs has a light background in both x and xterm. Thus it looks
 very weird the aforementioned face is initialized to the dark
 background value.

Tested in GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit) of

¹  http://mova.org/~cheusov/pub/dictem
Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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