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Re: 23.0.50; delete vs deletechar

From: T. V. Raman
Subject: Re: 23.0.50; delete vs deletechar
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 15:26:11 -0700

On the Linux console:

Press the <delete> key (the one under the insert key)
running on the console.

In emacs22 that produces [delete] 
in emacs 23 that produces [<deletechar>]

Similarly for [insert] vs [<insertchar>]

Does this matter?

Well, of course it does if your code binds these keys in other
keymaps e.g. emacspeak uses C-e <delete> and c-e<insert> as
special keys; now I need to rebind them appropriately.

>>>>> "GM" == Glenn Morris <address@hidden> writes:
    GM> raman <address@hidden>, "T. V. Raman" wrote:
    >> I suspect the multi-tty patch again, but [delete] has now
    >> changed to deletechar.
    GM> Not sure what you mean. In Emacs 22 I get:
    GM> C-d (translated from <delete>) runs the command
    GM> delete-char which is an interactive built-in function in
    GM> `C source code'.  It is bound to C-d, <deletechar>.
    GM> (delete-char N &optional KILLFLAG)
    GM> In Emacs CVS before and after multi-tty merge, I get the
    GM> same, except that C-d, <deletechar> have changed
    GM> order. Does this matter?
    GM> C-d (translated from <delete>) runs the command
    GM> delete-char which is an interactive built-in function in
    GM> `C source code'.  It is bound to <deletechar>, C-d.
    GM> (delete-char N &optional KILLFLAG)

Best Regards,

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