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Re: xcf thumbnail image file support?

From: Mathias Dahl
Subject: Re: xcf thumbnail image file support?
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 12:14:11 +0200

> So the original question should be rephrased as:
> Is there work in progress to make emacs support the "thumbnail
> managing standard"?

It's been over a year since I looked into this now, so my memory is a
bit fuzzy, but it seems I/we made some changes to Tumme, now
Image-Dired, to support this standard.

Quickly browsing the code now it seems basic support was added. You
can set `image-dired-thumbnail-storage' to 'standard to test it:

(defcustom image-dired-thumbnail-storage 'use-image-dired-dir
  "How to store image-dired's thumbnail files.
Image-Dired can store thumbnail files in one of two ways and this is
controlled by this variable.  \"Use image-dired dir\" means that the
thumbnails are stored in a central directory.  \"Per directory\"
means that each thumbnail is stored in a subdirectory called
\".image-dired\" in the same directory where the image file is.
\"Thumbnail Managing Standard\" means that the thumbnails are
stored and generated according to the Thumbnail Managing Standard
that allows sharing of thumbnails across different programs."
  :type '(choice :tag "How to store thumbnail files"
                 (const :tag "Thumbnail Managing Standard" standard)
                 (const :tag "Use image-dired-dir" use-image-dired-dir)
                 (const :tag "Per-directory" per-directory))
  :group 'image-dired)

Basically if you use this setting, Image Dired and programs adhering
to the standard should be able to share thumbnails. If you browse a
dir in Dired for which you know thumbnails have been created under
~/.thumbnails, Image Dired should not need to create its own, when
commands like C-t d is used, for example. I am not up to date on what
things would be needed to be fully compliant though.

Try it out and we might find some nice bugs to iron out :)


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