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Re: show minor-mode menu when you click its mode-line lighter

From: Michaël Cadilhac
Subject: Re: show minor-mode menu when you click its mode-line lighter
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 17:35:52 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

>     Well, my .2=E2=82=AC=C2=A0: I think this is useful, and I'd use it if I 
> use=
>     d this
>     funky thing next to my keyboard called a mouse.
> Thus, it would not in fact be useful for you.
> Is there anyone for whom this would be useful?  It is not unclean as a
> feature, and I would like it installed if it will be useful.  But the
> absence of this feature is not a flaw.  I see no reason to install
> one more feature if it won't actually be useful.

Well, I believe people around here don't use the mouse on a daily basis,
we pretty much have all years of practice, and learned that the mousy
thing isn't the most efficient way to use Emacs.  This is more a feature
for novice users, and they don't usually take part in devel discussions.

But we seem to agree (at least Dan, Drew and I) that this feature would
be a good thing, as it improves consistency.  A novice user can be
disappointed to see that although the cursor's shape changes when moving
to a minor mode modeline item, nothing can be triggered.

Again, my .2€.

 |   Michaël `Micha' Cadilhac       |  Si les religions étaient aussi tolé-  |
 |   http://michael.cadilhac.name   |  rantes qu'elles le prétendent, il y   |
 |   JID/MSN:                       |  a longtemps qu'il n'y en aurait plus  |
 `----  address@hidden  |           -- Moustic              -  --'

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