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Re: Testing new abbrev tables in elisp

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: Re: Testing new abbrev tables in elisp
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 21:13:33 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Am Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007 07:44 schrieben Sie:
> > Since you've dealt with all the changes I asked for, please install it.
> > Please update the Lisp Manual as you install it.
> OK.  I have two problems, tho:
> - The code needs more testing.  Could some of you try it out and confirm
>   that they do not notice any difference?  Stress testing would be great,
>   especially if you use mailabbrev.el.

# patch -i patch.el abbrev.el 

patching file abbrev.el
patch: **** malformed patch at line 4: ;;;   (if (or noquery (y-or-n-p 
(format "Expand `%s'? " string)))

Was my command wrong? Do you know a better way to read
it in?

Will report errors if
any. Everything looks fine at the moment.

> - I need another name for the :case-preserve property because "preserve"
>   is ambiguous: it can eoither refer to "not change case at all" or
>   "propagate the case from the abbrev name to its expansion".
>   Ideally, I'd like to use `:case-fold' except that it needs to default to
>   nil and to case-folding, so maybe `:case-no-fold' ?

What about `case-sensitive'? For me as non-english
speaker `folding' is not easy to follow because of the
word-sence - as something knitting into. Sensitive as
awareness is understood from the beginning.

> -- Stefan
> --- orig/lisp/abbrev.el
> +++ mod/lisp/abbrev.el
> @@ -363,6 +363,524 @@
>           (if (or noquery (y-or-n-p (format "Expand `%s'? " string)))
>               (expand-abbrev)))))))
> +;;; Abbrev properties.
> +
> +(defun abbrev-table-get (table prop)
> +  "Get the PROP property of abbrev table TABLE."
> +  (let ((sym (intern-soft "" table)))
> +    (if sym (get sym prop))))
> +
> +(defun abbrev-table-put (table prop val)
> +  "Set the PROP property of abbrev table TABLE to VAL."
> +  (let ((sym (intern "" table)))
> +    (set sym nil)         ; Make sure it won't be confused for an abbrev.
> +    (put sym prop val)))
> +
> +(defun abbrev-get (sym prop)
> +  "Get the property PROP of abbrev SYM."
> +  (let ((plist (symbol-plist sym)))
> +    (if (listp plist)
> +        (plist-get plist prop)
> +      (if (eq 'count prop) plist))))
> +
> +(defun abbrev-put (sym prop val)
> +  "Set the property PROP of abbrev SYM to value VAL.
> +See `define-abbrev' for the effect of some special properties."
> +  (let ((plist (symbol-plist sym)))
> +    (if (consp plist)
> +        (put sym prop val)
> +      (setplist sym (if (eq 'count prop) val
> +                      (list 'count plist prop val))))))
> +
> +(defmacro abbrev-with-wrapper-hook (var &rest body)
> +  "Run BODY wrapped with the VAR hook.
> +VAR is a special hook: its functions are called with one argument which
> +is the \"original\" code (the BODY), so the hook function can wrap the
> +original function, can call it several times, or even not call it at all.
> +VAR is normally a symbol (a variable) in which case it is treated like a
> hook, +with a buffer-local and a global part.  But it can also be an
> arbitrary expression. +This is similar to an `around' advice."
> +  (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
> +  ;; We need those two gensyms because CL's lexical scoping is not
> available +  ;; for function arguments :-(
> +  (let ((funs (make-symbol "funs"))
> +        (global (make-symbol "global")))
> +    ;; Since the hook is a wrapper, the loop has to be done via
> +    ;; recursion: a given hook function will call its parameter in order
> to +    ;; continue looping.
> +    `(labels ((runrestofhook (,funs ,global)
> +                 ;; `funs' holds the functions left on the hook and
> `global' +                 ;; holds the functions left on the global part
> of the hook +                 ;; (in case the hook is local).
> +                 (lexical-let ((funs ,funs)
> +                               (global ,global))
> +                   (if (consp funs)
> +                       (if (eq t (car funs))
> +                           (runrestofhook (append global (cdr funs)) nil)
> +                         (funcall (car funs)
> +                                  (lambda () (runrestofhook (cdr funs)
> global)))) +                     ;; Once there are no more functions on the
> hook, run +                     ;; the original body.
> +                     ,@body))))
> +       (runrestofhook ,var
> +                      ;; The global part of the hook, if any.
> +                      ,(if (symbolp var)
> +                           `(if (local-variable-p ',var)
> +                                (default-value ',var)))))))
> +
> +
> +;;; Code that used to be implemented in src/abbrev.c
> +
> +(defvar abbrev-table-name-list '(fundamental-mode-abbrev-table
> +                              global-abbrev-table)
> +  "List of symbols whose values are abbrev tables.")
> +
> +(defun make-abbrev-table (&optional props)
> +  "Create a new, empty abbrev table object.
> +PROPS is a "
> +  ;; The value 59 is an arbitrary prime number.
> +  (let ((table (make-vector 59 0)))
> +    ;; Each abbrev-table has a `modiff' counter which can be used to
> detect +    ;; when an abbreviation was added.  An example of use would be
> to +    ;; construct :regexp dynamically as the union of all abbrev names,
> so +    ;; `modiff' can let us detect that an abbrev was added and hence
> :regexp +    ;; needs to be refreshed.
> +    ;; The presence of `modiff' entry is also used as a tag indicating
> this +    ;; vector is really an abbrev-table.
> +    (abbrev-table-put table :abbrev-table-modiff 0)
> +    (while (consp props)
> +      (abbrev-table-put table (pop props) (pop props)))
> +    table))
> +
> +(defun abbrev-table-p (object)
> +  (and (vectorp object)
> +       (numberp (abbrev-table-get object :abbrev-table-modiff))))
> +
> +(defvar global-abbrev-table (make-abbrev-table)
> +  "The abbrev table whose abbrevs affect all buffers.
> +Each buffer may also have a local abbrev table.
> +If it does, the local table overrides the global one
> +for any particular abbrev defined in both.")
> +
> +(defvar abbrev-minor-mode-table-alist nil
> +  "Alist of abbrev tables to use for minor modes.
> +Each element looks like (VARIABLE . ABBREV-TABLE);
> +ABBREV-TABLE is active whenever VARIABLE's value is non-nil.")
> +
> +(defvar fundamental-mode-abbrev-table
> +  (let ((table (make-abbrev-table)))
> +    ;; Set local-abbrev-table's default to be
> fundamental-mode-abbrev-table. +    (setq-default local-abbrev-table table)
> +    table)
> +  "The abbrev table of mode-specific abbrevs for Fundamental Mode.")
> +
> +(defvar abbrevs-changed nil
> +  "Set non-nil by defining or altering any word abbrevs.
> +This causes `save-some-buffers' to offer to save the abbrevs.")
> +
> +(defcustom abbrev-all-caps nil
> +  "Non-nil means expand multi-word abbrevs all caps if abbrev was so."
> +  :type 'boolean
> +  :group 'abbrev-mode)
> +
> +(defvar abbrev-start-location nil
> +  "Buffer position for `expand-abbrev' to use as the start of the abbrev.
> +When nil, use the word before point as the abbrev.
> +Calling `expand-abbrev' sets this to nil.")
> +
> +(defvar abbrev-start-location-buffer nil
> +  "Buffer that `abbrev-start-location' has been set for.
> +Trying to expand an abbrev in any other buffer clears
> `abbrev-start-location'.") +
> +(defvar last-abbrev nil
> +  "The abbrev-symbol of the last abbrev expanded.  See `abbrev-symbol'.")
> +
> +(defvar last-abbrev-text nil
> +  "The exact text of the last abbrev expanded.
> +nil if the abbrev has already been unexpanded.")
> +
> +(defvar last-abbrev-location 0
> +  "The location of the start of the last abbrev expanded.")
> +
> +;; (defvar local-abbrev-table fundamental-mode-abbrev-table
> +;;   "Local (mode-specific) abbrev table of current buffer.")
> +;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'local-abbrev-table)
> +
> +(defcustom pre-abbrev-expand-hook nil
> +  "Function or functions to be called before abbrev expansion is done.
> +This is the first thing that `expand-abbrev' does, and so this may change
> +the current abbrev table before abbrev lookup happens."
> +  :type 'hook
> +  :group 'abbrev-mode)
> +(make-obsolete-variable 'pre-abbrev-expand-hook 'abbrev-expand-functions
> "23.1") +
> +(defun clear-abbrev-table (table)
> +  "Undefine all abbrevs in abbrev table TABLE, leaving it empty."
> +  (setq abbrevs-changed t)
> +  (dotimes (i (length table))
> +    (aset table i 0)))
> +
> +(defun define-abbrev (table name expansion &optional hook &rest props
> +                            ;; In case the abbrev list passed to
> +                            ;; `define-abbrev-table' includes extra
> elements +                            ;; that we should ignore.
> +                            &rest ignore)
> +  "Define an abbrev in TABLE named NAME, to expand to EXPANSION and call
> HOOK. +NAME must be a string, and should be lower-case.
> +EXPANSION should usually be a string.
> +To undefine an abbrev, define it with EXPANSION = nil.
> +If HOOK is non-nil, it should be a function of no arguments;
> +it is called after EXPANSION is inserted.
> +If EXPANSION is not a string, the abbrev is a special one,
> + which does not expand in the usual way but only runs HOOK.
> +
> +PROPS is a property list.  The following properties are special:
> +- `count': the value for the abbrev's usage-count, which is incremented
> each time +  the abbrev is used (the default is zero).
> +- `system-flag': if non-nil, says that this is a \"system\" abbreviation
> +  which should not be saved in the user's abbreviation file.
> +  Unless `system-flag' is `force', a system abbreviation will not
> +  overwrite a non-system abbreviation of the same name.
> +- `:case-preserve': non-nil means that abbreviations are looked up without
> +  case-folding, and the expansion is not capitalized/upcased.
> +- `:enable-function': a function of no argument which returns non-nil iff
> the +  abbrev should be used for a particular call of `expand-abbrev'. +
> +An obsolete but still supported calling form is:
> +
> +\(define-abbrev TABLE NAME EXPANSION &optional HOOK COUNT SYSTEM-FLAG)."
> +  (when (and (consp props) (or (null (car props)) (numberp (car props))))
> +    ;; Old-style calling convention.
> +    (setq props (list* 'count (car props)
> +                       (if (cadr props) (list 'system-flag (cadr
> props)))))) +  (unless (plist-get props 'count)
> +    (setq props (plist-put props 'count 0)))
> +  (let ((system-flag (plist-get props 'system-flag))
> +        (sym (intern name table)))
> +    ;; Don't override a prior user-defined abbrev with a system abbrev,
> +    ;; unless system-flag is `force'.
> +    (unless (and (not (memq system-flag '(nil force)))
> +                 (boundp sym) (symbol-value sym)
> +                 (not (abbrev-get sym 'system-flag)))
> +      (unless (or system-flag
> +                  (and (boundp sym) (fboundp sym)
> +                       ;; load-file-name
> +                       (equal (symbol-value sym) expansion)
> +                       (equal (symbol-function sym) hook)))
> +        (setq abbrevs-changed t))
> +      (set sym expansion)
> +      (fset sym hook)
> +      (setplist sym props)
> +      (abbrev-table-put table :abbrev-table-modiff
> +                        (1+ (abbrev-table-get table
> :abbrev-table-modiff)))) +    name))
> +
> +(defun abbrev--check-chars (abbrev global)
> +  "Check if the characters in ABBREV have word syntax in either the
> +current (if global is nil) or standard syntax table."
> +  (with-syntax-table
> +      (cond ((null global) (standard-syntax-table))
> +            ;; ((syntax-table-p global) global)
> +            (t (syntax-table)))
> +    (when (string-match "\\W" abbrev)
> +      (let ((badchars ())
> +            (pos 0))
> +        (while (string-match "\\W" abbrev pos)
> +          (pushnew (aref abbrev (match-beginning 0)) badchars)
> +          (setq pos (1+ pos)))
> +        (error "Some abbrev characters (%s) are not word constituents %s"
> +               (apply 'string (nreverse badchars))
> +               (if global "in the standard syntax" "in this mode"))))))
> +
> +(defun define-global-abbrev (abbrev expansion)
> +  "Define ABBREV as a global abbreviation for EXPANSION.
> +The characters in ABBREV must all be word constituents in the standard
> +syntax table."
> +  (interactive "sDefine global abbrev: \nsExpansion for %s: ")
> +  (abbrev--check-chars abbrev 'global)
> +  (define-abbrev global-abbrev-table (downcase abbrev) expansion))
> +
> +(defun define-mode-abbrev (abbrev expansion)
> +  "Define ABBREV as a mode-specific abbreviation for EXPANSION.
> +The characters in ABBREV must all be word-constituents in the current
> mode." +  (interactive "sDefine mode abbrev: \nsExpansion for %s: ")
> +  (unless local-abbrev-table
> +    (error "Major mode has no abbrev table"))
> +  (abbrev--check-chars abbrev nil)
> +  (define-abbrev local-abbrev-table (downcase abbrev) expansion))
> +
> +(defun abbrev--active-tables (&optional tables)
> +  "Return the list of abbrev tables currently active.
> +TABLES if non-nil overrides the usual rules.  It can hold
> +either a single abbrev table or a list of abbrev tables."
> +  ;; We could just remove the `tables' arg and let callers use
> +  ;; (or table (abbrev--active-tables)) but then they'd have to be careful
> +  ;; to treat the distinction between a single table and a list of tables.
> +  (cond
> +   ((consp tables) tables)
> +   ((vectorp tables) (list tables))
> +   (t
> +    (let ((tables (if (listp local-abbrev-table)
> +                      (append local-abbrev-table
> +                              (list global-abbrev-table))
> +                    (list local-abbrev-table global-abbrev-table))))
> +      ;; Add the minor-mode abbrev tables.
> +      (dolist (x abbrev-minor-mode-table-alist)
> +        (when (and (symbolp (car x)) (boundp (car x)) (symbol-value (car
> x))) +          (setq tables
> +                (if (listp (cdr x))
> +                    (append (cdr x) tables) (cons (cdr x) tables)))))
> +      tables))))
> +
> +
> +(defun abbrev-symbol (abbrev &optional table)
> +  "Return the symbol representing abbrev named ABBREV.
> +This symbol's name is ABBREV, but it is not the canonical symbol of that
> name; +it is interned in an abbrev-table rather than the normal obarray.
> +The value is nil if that abbrev is not defined.
> +Optional second arg TABLE is abbrev table to look it up in.
> +The default is to try buffer's mode-specific abbrev table, then global
> table." +  (let ((tables (abbrev--active-tables table))
> +        sym)
> +    (while (and tables (not (symbol-value sym)))
> +      (let ((table (pop tables))
> +            (case-fold (not (abbrev-table-get table :case-preserve))))
> +        (setq tables (append (abbrev-table-get table :parents) tables))
> +        (setq sym (intern-soft (if case-fold (downcase abbrev) abbrev)
> table)) +        (if (and (not case-fold) (symbol-value sym))
> +            ;; The :case-preserve property normally belongs to the
> +            ;; abbrev-table, but the use of this abbrev needs to know if
> +            ;; this abbrev came from a case preserving table or not, so we
> +            ;; save a copy in the abbrev itself.
> +            (abbrev-put sym :case-preserve t))))
> +    (if (symbol-value sym)
> +        sym)))
> +
> +
> +(defun abbrev-expansion (abbrev &optional table)
> +  "Return the string that ABBREV expands into in the current buffer.
> +Optionally specify an abbrev table as second arg;
> +then ABBREV is looked up in that table only."
> +  (symbol-value (abbrev-symbol abbrev table)))
> +
> +
> +(defun abbrev--before-point ()
> +  "Try and find an abbrev before point.  Return it if found, nil
> otherwise." +  (unless (eq abbrev-start-location-buffer (current-buffer))
> +    (setq abbrev-start-location nil))
> +
> +  (let ((tables (abbrev--active-tables))
> +        (pos (point))
> +        start end name res)
> +
> +    (if abbrev-start-location
> +        (progn
> +          (setq start abbrev-start-location)
> +          (setq abbrev-start-location nil)
> +          ;; Remove the hyphen inserted by `abbrev-prefix-mark'.
> +          (if (and (< start (point-max))
> +                   (eq (char-after start) ?-))
> +              (delete-region start (1+ start)))
> +          (skip-syntax-backward " ")
> +          (setq end (point))
> +          (setq name (buffer-substring start end))
> +          (goto-char pos)               ; Restore point.
> +          (list name (abbrev-symbol name tables) start end))
> +
> +      (while (and tables (not res))
> +        (let* ((table (pop tables))
> +               (enable-fun (abbrev-table-get table :enable-function)))
> +          (setq tables (append (abbrev-table-get table :parents) tables))
> +          (setq res
> +                (and (or (not enable-fun) (funcall enable-fun))
> +                     (looking-back (or (abbrev-table-get table :regexp)
> +                                       "\\<\\(\\w+\\)\\W*")
> +                                   (line-beginning-position))
> +                     (setq start (match-beginning 1))
> +                     (setq end   (match-end 1))
> +                     (setq name (buffer-substring start end))
> +                     ;; This will also look it up in parent tables.
> +                     ;; This is not on purpose, but it seems harmless.
> +                     (list name (abbrev-symbol name table) start end)))
> +          ;; Restore point.
> +          (goto-char pos)))
> +      res)))
> +
> +(defvar abbrev-expand-function nil
> +  "Wrapper hook around `expand-abbrev'.
> +The functions on this special hook are called with one argument:
> +a function that performs the abbrev expansion.")
> +
> +(defun expand-abbrev ()
> +  "Expand the abbrev before point, if there is an abbrev there.
> +Effective when explicitly called even when `abbrev-mode' is nil.
> +Returns the abbrev symbol, if expansion took place."
> +  (interactive)
> +  (run-hooks 'pre-abbrev-expand-hook)
> +  (abbrev-with-wrapper-hook abbrev-expand-function
> +    (destructuring-bind (&optional name sym wordstart wordend)
> +        (abbrev--before-point)
> +      (when sym
> +        (let ((value sym))
> +          (unless (or ;; executing-kbd-macro
> +                   noninteractive
> +                   (window-minibuffer-p (selected-window)))
> +            ;; Add an undo boundary, in case we are doing this for
> +            ;; a self-inserting command which has avoided making one so
> far. +            (undo-boundary))
> +          ;; Now sym is the abbrev symbol.
> +          (setq last-abbrev-text name)
> +          (setq last-abbrev sym)
> +          (setq last-abbrev-location wordstart)
> +          ;; Increment use count.
> +          (abbrev-put sym 'count (1+ (abbrev-get sym 'count)))
> +          ;; If this abbrev has an expansion, delete the abbrev
> +          ;; and insert the expansion.
> +          (when (stringp (symbol-value sym))
> +            (goto-char wordend)
> +            (insert (symbol-value sym))
> +            (delete-region wordstart wordend)
> +            (let ((case-fold-search nil))
> +              (when (and (not (abbrev-get sym :case-preserve))
> +                         (string-match "[[:upper:]]" name))
> +                (if (not (string-match "[[:lower:]]" name))
> +                    ;; Abbrev was all caps.  If expansion is multiple
> words, +                    ;; normally capitalize each word.
> +                    (if (and (not abbrev-all-caps)
> +                             (save-excursion
> +                               (> (progn (backward-word 1) (point))
> +                                  (progn (goto-char wordstart)
> +                                         (forward-word 1) (point)))))
> +                        (upcase-initials-region wordstart (point))
> +                      (upcase-region wordstart (point)))
> +                  ;; Abbrev included some caps.  Cap first initial of
> expansion. +                  (let ((end (point)))
> +                    ;; Find the initial.
> +                    (goto-char wordstart)
> +                    (skip-syntax-forward "^w" (1- end))
> +                    ;; Change just that.
> +                    (upcase-initials-region (point) (1+ (point))))))))
> +          (when (symbol-function sym)
> +            (let* ((hook (symbol-function sym))
> +                   (expanded
> +                    ;; If the abbrev has a hook function, run it.
> +                    (funcall hook)))
> +              ;; In addition, if the hook function is a symbol with
> +              ;; a non-nil `no-self-insert' property, let the value it
> +              ;; returned specify whether we consider that an expansion
> took +              ;; place.  If it returns nil, no expansion has been
> done. +              (if (and (symbolp hook)
> +                       (null expanded)
> +                       (get hook 'no-self-insert))
> +                  (setq value nil))))
> +          value)))))
> +
> +(defun unexpand-abbrev ()
> +  "Undo the expansion of the last abbrev that expanded.
> +This differs from ordinary undo in that other editing done since then
> +is not undone."
> +  (interactive)
> +  (save-excursion
> +    (unless (or (< last-abbrev-location (point-min))
> +                (> last-abbrev-location (point-max)))
> +      (goto-char last-abbrev-location)
> +      (when (stringp last-abbrev-text)
> +        ;; This isn't correct if last-abbrev's hook was used
> +        ;; to do the expansion.
> +        (let ((val (symbol-value last-abbrev)))
> +          (unless (stringp val)
> +            (error "value of abbrev-symbol must be a string"))
> +          (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (length val)))
> +          ;; Don't inherit properties here; just copy from old contents.
> +          (insert last-abbrev-text)
> +          (setq last-abbrev-text nil))))))
> +
> +(defun abbrev--write (sym)
> +  "Write the abbrev in a `read'able form.
> +Only writes the non-system abbrevs.
> +Presumes that `standard-output' points to `current-buffer'."
> +  (unless (or (null (symbol-value sym)) (abbrev-get sym 'system-flag))
> +    (insert "    (")
> +    (prin1 name)
> +    (insert " ")
> +    (prin1 (symbol-value sym))
> +    (insert " ")
> +    (prin1 (symbol-function sym))
> +    (insert " ")
> +    (prin1 (abbrev-get sym 'count))
> +    (insert ")\n")))
> +
> +(defun abbrev--describe (sym)
> +  (when (symbol-value sym)
> +    (prin1 (symbol-name sym))
> +    (if (null (abbrev-get sym 'system-flag))
> +        (indent-to 15 1)
> +      (insert " (sys)")
> +      (indent-to 20 1))
> +    (prin1 (abbrev-get sym 'count))
> +    (indent-to 20 1)
> +    (prin1 (symbol-value sym))
> +    (when (symbol-function sym)
> +      (indent-to 45 1)
> +      (prin1 (symbol-function sym)))
> +    (terpri)))
> +
> +(defun insert-abbrev-table-description (name &optional readable)
> +  "Insert before point a full description of abbrev table named NAME.
> +NAME is a symbol whose value is an abbrev table.
> +If optional 2nd arg READABLE is non-nil, a human-readable description
> +is inserted.  Otherwise the description is an expression,
> +a call to `define-abbrev-table', which would
> +define the abbrev table NAME exactly as it is currently defined.
> +
> +Abbrevs marked as \"system abbrevs\" are omitted."
> +  (let ((table (symbol-value name))
> +        (symbols ()))
> +    (mapatoms (lambda (sym) (if (symbol-value sym) (push sym symbols)))
> table) +    (setq symbols (sort symbols 'string-lessp))
> +    (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
> +      (if readable
> +       (progn
> +         (insert "(")
> +         (prin1 name)
> +         (insert ")\n\n")
> +         (mapc 'abbrev--describe symbols)
> +         (insert "\n\n"))
> +     (insert "(define-abbrev-table '")
> +     (prin1 name)
> +     (insert " '(")
> +     (mapc 'abbrev--write symbols)
> +     (insert "    ))\n\n"))
> +      nil)))
> +
> +(defun define-abbrev-table (tablename definitions
> +                                      &optional docstring &rest props)
> +  "Define TABLENAME (a symbol) as an abbrev table name.
> +Define abbrevs in it according to DEFINITIONS, which is a list of elements
> +\(If the list is shorter than that, omitted elements default to nil).
> +PROPS is a property list to apply to the table.
> +Properties with special meaning:
> +- `:parents' contains a list of abbrev tables from which this table
> inherits +  abbreviations.
> +- `:case-preserve' non-nil means that abbreviations are lookedup without
> +  case-folding, and the expansion is not capitalized/upcased.
> +- `:regexp' describes the form of abbrevs.  It defaults to
> \\<\\(\\w+\\)\\W* which +  means that an abbrev can only be a single word. 
> The submatch 1 is treated +  as the potential name of an abbrev.
> +- `:enable-function' can be set to a function of no argument which returns
> +  non-nil iff the abbrevs in this table should be used for this instance
> +  of `expand-abbrev'."
> +  (let ((table (if (boundp tablename) (symbol-value tablename))))
> +    (unless table
> +      (setq table (make-abbrev-table props))
> +      (set tablename table)
> +      (push tablename abbrev-table-name-list))
> +    (when (stringp docstring)
> +      (put tablename 'variable-documentation docstring))
> +    (dolist (elt definitions)
> +      (apply 'define-abbrev table elt))))
> +
>  (provide 'abbrev)
>  ;; arch-tag: dbd6f3ae-dfe3-40ba-b00f-f9e3ff960df5
> Diffs between address@hidden/emacs--devo--0 and workfile end here.

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