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Re: unicode-2, Emacs.app terminal mode after multi-tty merge

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: Re: unicode-2, Emacs.app terminal mode after multi-tty merge
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:52:19 -0800

"Adrian Robert" <address@hidden> writes:

  > > > however before releasing I need to solve one remaining problem: when
  > > > run as -nw, the default face is set to green foreground, yellow
  > > > background.  (If I go to customize-face it actually says "green" and
  > > > "yellow".)  This occurs with emacs -Q -nw and is new -- unicode-2 CVS
  > > > before the merge produces a black-on-white default face.
  > I tracked this down a bit and found the green/yellow is coming from
  > dispextern.h: these are defined to 2 and 3 respectively.  Meanwhile
  > tty-defined-color-alist is:
  >  (("black" 0 0 0 0)
  > ("red" 1 52685 0 0)
  > ("green" 2 0 52685 0)
  > ("yellow" 3 52685 52685 0)
  > ("blue" 4 0 0 61166)
  > ("magenta" 5 52685 0 52685)
  > ("cyan" 6 0 52685 52685)
  > ("white" 7 58853 58853 58853))
  > So green and yellow are coming from indices 2/3 in that list.  I'm
  > getting the feeling something isn't working right, since these are
  > supposed to be markers for "unknown", not indices into a color list,
  > but I'm not sure what it is, or why this would be selectively failing
  > under the Cocoa port, since none of that code should affect tty
  > operation at all.
  > Also this color list seems a little strange, why does white get 58853
  > instead of 65535?  I know there is color approximation code in
  > tty-colors.el, but why would it even get activated for 'white', or if
  > so, why not generate 65535?
  > I'll keep investigating, but if anyone has any ready insight on any of
  > these issues, it is appreciated.

Is this when TERM=xterm?
xterm.el defines white as 
    ("white"          7 (229 229 229))  ; gray90
229 is 0xe5, 58853 is 0xe5e5, so nothing unexpected WRT "white".

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