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Re: Emacs crashes, 07nov16

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: Emacs crashes, 07nov16
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 15:54:57 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

Robert J. Chassell skrev:
As I now expect, GNU Emacs crashes when I try to insert a Euro sign.
Here are two debugging sessions, with misc-fixed-medium 20 point
fonts, one ISO8859 and the other ISO10646, both with

    bt full
    p *s
    p *s->font
    p *s->font_info
    p s->char2b[0]
    l x_draw_glyph_string_foreground

Of a previous effort, address@hidden wrote

    This does not look like -O0.  You should not have any <value
    optimized out> in such a build.

Hmm ... I compiled in Emacs with
 (compile "time CFLAGS='-g -O0 -Wno-pointer-sign' make bootstrap"))
but maybe that was wrong.  (Should I have put the CFLAGS expression
after the `make'?)
In this case, after changing -O2 to -O0 in three makefiles, I

 (compile "time make bootstrap")

Today's GNU Emacs CVS snapshot, Sat, 2007 Nov 24  11:43 UTC
GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.12.1)
started in debugger

    set args -i -q \
    --eval '(emacs-version t)' -bg DodgerBlue4 -fg white \
    -fn '-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--20-200-75-75-C-100-ISO8859-1' \
    -geometry 80x44+545+43 -name '-q GNU Emacs in Debugger, font: fixed 20'

with the breakpoint at xterm.c:1374 and after I evaluated (x-synchronize t) in the debuggee

As expected, this instance of Emacs did not crash until I visited my
test file, ~/foo.mail, which tried to insert a Euro sign.  Then:

I wonder if we are miscommunicating here. Do you mean crash, as in abort or core dump? Or do you just mean the breakpoint was hit?

        Jan D.

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