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Re: 23.0.60; Error with :name and malfunctioning

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: 23.0.60; Error with :name and malfunctioning
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 00:28:30 +0100

Am 17.12.2007 um 03:36 schrieb Kenichi Handa:

I can't reproduce it.

Me too, when in Terminal with -nw. Then the text is handled well. The problem is in X11.

I recompiled a few elder Unicode Emacs version, those that are patched to be Emacs.app RC 1, 2, 2a, or 3. Those that can be compiled do not show the effect. When I activate the (message "...") line for recent GNU Emacs 23.0.60 too and launch it with --debug-init, I get:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp :name)
message(".\x00a1\x1e40\x00fc\x00dft\x00e8 V\x00e9\x0159\x015f\x00ee \x00d6\x00f1 \x2014 \x00c4\x00e4\x0127 \x2265 21 s\x00ea\x00ee\x0146, \x1e1f\x00fb\x0155 \x00f8,\x00d8\ 2\x20ac\x00bf") eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*<2>> nil "/Users/pete/.emacs_x" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 151 load-with-code-conversion("/Users/pete/.emacs_x" "/Users/ pete/.emacs_x" nil nil)
  ad-Orig-load("~/.emacs_x" nil nil nil nil)
(setq ad-return-value (ad-Orig-load file noerror nomessage nosuffix must-suffix)) (let (ad-return-value) (message "(Tipp von Kai G) Lade jetzt: %s" file) (setq ad-return-value (ad-Orig-load file noerror nomessage nosuffix must-suffix)) ad-return-value)

In ~/.emacs a decision is made on the type of window-system and then a particular "external" file is loaded:

        (defconst mWS (symbol-value 'window-system)
          "Running as some windowing system's client,
           or as slave of a terminal emulator?")
              (load custom-file)
              (load (format "~/.emacs_%s" mWS))

All three files, ~/.emacs, custom-file, and ~/.emacs_x, are UTF-8.

When working in this handicapped GNU Emacs 23.0.60 it does clear/ redraw the whole frame, only 45 % or such. So after I had opened and quit custom-file I see a mixture of *Messages* (26 lines) and custom- file (28 lines) and the mode-line contains the name of custom-file. And the scroll-bar is not visible, on its region between (from custom- file with long wrapped lines decorated) fringe and frame border, which has background-color (I checked it with a screen-shot tool). And the message about ``Wrong type argument: listp, :name´´ is active in echo-area.

When I split the frame into two halves and one window visits the *Backtrace* buffer, then its scroll-bar is OK, that of the *Messages* buffer not. With cursor in *Backtrace* buffer the echo-area is cleared, C-x o appears, and maybe later I could provoke that meesage again.



There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about.
                                – John von Neumann

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