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Re: M-x comment-region

From: Miles Bader
Subject: Re: M-x comment-region
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:57:25 +0900

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
> I think I fixed the problem.  M-x comment-region
> for Lisp code should now use ;; if indenting a whole function
> and ;;; if indenting just part of a function.

Why is it ever necessary to use ";;;" for commenting out lisp code?

Other modes (e.g. c-mode and c++-mode) simply add comment markers
indented as if they were source code (apparently using the minimum
indentation of the commented-out lines); couldn't lisp-mode do the the
same thing using ";;" all cases?

[It's not that I object or anything, it's just that I'm confused as to
why there's so much fiddling around with comment-region in the specific
case of lisp-mode.  I assume there must be _some_ reason, as
newcomment.el seem to go to a lot of trouble to do this...]


Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

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