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Re: Transient Mark Mode on by default

From: paul r
Subject: Re: Transient Mark Mode on by default
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 21:57:50 +0100

2008/3/24, Drew Adams <address@hidden>:
> > Emacs is fully customizable, but only advanced users *really can*
>  > customize.
> If that is true, then we need to improve the customization process. It is OK 
> for
>  some customizing to be only for advanced users, but it is not good for all
>  customizing to be only for advanced users.
>  Can you point out some specific customization problems for a beginner (in a 
> new
>  thread?) The first step to fixing them is to identify them.

Most average developpers I know will simply never tweak any of the
piece of software they use. You are all very smart here, so I'm sure
you are not concerned at all, but really I think a lot of people are.
Some developpers I know will start to tweak their tools after many
monthes of happy usage with default settings.
Almost none of them will start to tweak it *before* really using it.

I think emacs customization process is already fairly good. But many
beginners will simply give up *before* even discovering M-x customize
... sad, but true at least for people I know.

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