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Re: Honoring traditional defaults [was: Transient Mark Mode on bydefault

From: Mathias Dahl
Subject: Re: Honoring traditional defaults [was: Transient Mark Mode on bydefault]
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 08:37:05 +0100

>  To me, any "oldie" irritated by a change in default settings can go in
>  its .emacs and revert to previous behaviour in a matter of seconds.
>  I'm again under the impression that this idea provides convenience to
>  experienced users that do not really need it. Newbies need default
>  settings that encourage them to carry on, this is the real challenge I
>  think.

I agree completely with this, and I consider myself quite "young"
(started using Emacs 1997) compared to a lot of the people on this
list. Now that t-m-m is set as default I don't think I will change it
however, I will give it a try, it isn't like it is the end of the
world, I know I can use C-g to deactivate the region, for example.
Give the new users good defaults and let us "oldies" twiddle away. Of
course, there will always be discussions about what is a good default,
and maybe then we get into the problem with some oldies having such
strong opinions about things and think they know what is best for a
beginner. These things are not easy.

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