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Finding the source of Change Log entries

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Finding the source of Change Log entries
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 11:32:15 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Months ago I wrote a couple of functions to find the source code
corresponding to Change Log entries.  Anyone still interested?
*** add-log.el.~1.212.~ 2008-06-24 06:04:48.000000000 +0200
--- add-log.el  2008-07-12 10:14:41.796875000 +0200
*** 298,307 ****
        ;; name.
          (re-search-forward change-log-file-names-re nil t)
!         (match-string 2))
        (if (looking-at change-log-file-names-re)
          ;; We found a file name.
!         (match-string 2)
        ;; Look backwards for either a file name or the log entry start.
        (if (re-search-backward
             (concat "\\(" change-log-start-entry-re 
--- 298,307 ----
        ;; name.
          (re-search-forward change-log-file-names-re nil t)
!         (match-string-no-properties 2))
        (if (looking-at change-log-file-names-re)
          ;; We found a file name.
!         (match-string-no-properties 2)
        ;; Look backwards for either a file name or the log entry start.
        (if (re-search-backward
             (concat "\\(" change-log-start-entry-re 
*** 312,322 ****
                ;; file name.
                  (re-search-forward change-log-file-names-re nil t)
!                 (match-string 2))
!             (match-string 4))
          ;; We must be before any file name, look forward.
          (re-search-forward change-log-file-names-re nil t)
!         (match-string 2))))))
  (defun change-log-find-file ()
    "Visit the file for the change under point."
--- 312,322 ----
                ;; file name.
                  (re-search-forward change-log-file-names-re nil t)
!                 (match-string-no-properties 2))
!             (match-string-no-properties 4))
          ;; We must be before any file name, look forward.
          (re-search-forward change-log-file-names-re nil t)
!         (match-string-no-properties 2))))))
  (defun change-log-find-file ()
    "Visit the file for the change under point."
*** 326,336 ****
--- 326,521 ----
        (find-file file)
        (message "No such file or directory: %s" file))))
+ (defun change-log-search-tag-name-1 (&optional from)
+   "Search for a tag name within subexpression 1 of last match.
+ Optional argument FROM specifies a buffer position where the tag
+ name should be located.  Return value is a cons whose car is the
+ string representing the tag and whose cdr is the position where
+ the tag was found."
+   (save-restriction
+     (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
+     (when from (goto-char from))
+     ;; The regexp below skips any symbol near `point' (FROM) followed by
+     ;; whitespace and another symbol.  This should skip, for example,
+     ;; "struct" in a specification like "(struct buffer)" and move to
+     ;; "buffer".  A leading paren is ignored.
+     (when (looking-at
+          "[(]?\\(?:\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\(?:[ \t]+\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)\\)")
+       (goto-char (match-beginning 1)))
+     (cons (find-tag-default) (point))))
+ (defconst change-log-tag-re
+   "(\\(\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\(?:[, \t]+\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)*\\))"
+   "Regexp matching a tag name in change log entries.")
+ (defun change-log-search-tag-name (&optional at)
+   "Search for a tag name near `point'.
+ Optional argument AT non-nil means search near buffer position
+ AT.  Return value is a cons whose car is the string representing
+ the tag and whose cdr is the position where the tag was found."
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (setq at (or at (point))))
+     (save-restriction
+       (widen)
+       (or (condition-case nil
+             ;; Within parenthesized list?
+             (save-excursion
+               (backward-up-list)
+               (when (looking-at change-log-tag-re)
+                 (change-log-search-tag-name-1 at)))
+           (error nil))
+         (condition-case nil
+             ;; Before parenthesized list?
+             (save-excursion
+               (when (and (skip-chars-forward " \t")
+                          (looking-at change-log-tag-re))
+                 (change-log-search-tag-name-1)))
+           (error nil))
+         (condition-case nil
+             ;; Near filename?
+             (save-excursion
+               (when (and (progn
+                            (beginning-of-line)
+                            (looking-at change-log-file-names-re))
+                          (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                          (skip-syntax-forward " ")
+                          (looking-at change-log-tag-re))
+                 (change-log-search-tag-name-1)))
+           (error nil))
+         (condition-case nil
+             ;; Before filename?
+             (save-excursion
+               (when (and (progn
+                            (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+                            (beginning-of-line)
+                            (looking-at change-log-file-names-re))
+                          (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                          (skip-syntax-forward " ")
+                          (looking-at change-log-tag-re))
+                 (change-log-search-tag-name-1)))
+           (error nil))
+         (condition-case nil
+             ;; Near start entry?
+             (save-excursion
+               (when (and (progn
+                            (beginning-of-line)
+                            (looking-at change-log-start-entry-re))
+                          (forward-line) ; Won't work for multiple
+                                         ; names, etc.
+                          (skip-syntax-forward " ")
+                          (progn
+                            (beginning-of-line)
+                            (looking-at change-log-file-names-re))
+                          (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                          (re-search-forward change-log-tag-re))
+                 (change-log-search-tag-name-1)))
+           (error nil))
+         (condition-case nil
+             ;; After parenthesized list?.
+             (when (re-search-backward change-log-tag-re)
+               (save-restriction
+                 (narrow-to-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
+                 (goto-char (point-max))
+                 (cons (find-tag-default) (point-max))))
+           (error nil))))))
+ (defvar change-log-find-head nil)
+ (defvar change-log-find-tail nil)
+ (defun change-log-find-tag-1 (tag regexp file buffer
+                                 &optional window first last)
+   "Search for tag TAG in buffer BUFFER visiting file FILE.
+ REGEXP is a regular expression for TAG.  The remaining arguments
+ are optional: WINDOW denotes the window to display the results of
+ the search.  FIRST is a position in BUFFER denoting the first
+ match from previous searches for TAG.  LAST is the position in
+ BUFFER denoting the last match for TAG in the last search."
+   (with-current-buffer buffer
+     (save-excursion
+       (save-restriction
+       (widen)
+       (if last
+           (progn
+             ;; When LAST is set make sure we continue from the next
+             ;; line end to not find the same tag again.
+             (goto-char last)
+             (end-of-line)
+             (condition-case nil
+                 ;; Try to go to the end of the current defun to avoid
+                 ;; false positives within the current defun's body
+                 ;; since these would match `add-log-current-defun'.
+                 (end-of-defun)
+               ;; Don't fall behind when `end-of-defun' fails.
+               (error (progn (goto-char last) (end-of-line))))
+             (setq last nil))
+         ;; When LAST was not set start at beginning of BUFFER.
+         (goto-char (point-min)))
+       (let (current-defun)
+         (while (and (not last) (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+             ;; Verify that `add-log-current-defun' invoked at the end
+             ;; of the match returns TAG.  This heuristic works well
+             ;; whenever the name of the defun occurs within the first
+             ;; line of the defun.
+             (setq current-defun (add-log-current-defun))
+             (when (and current-defun (string-equal current-defun tag))
+               ;; Record this as last match.
+               (setq last (line-beginning-position))
+               ;; Record this as first match when there's none.
+               (unless first (setq first last)))))))
+     (if (or last first)
+       (with-selected-window (or window (display-buffer buffer))
+         (if last
+             (progn
+               (when (or (< last (point-min)) (> last (point-max)))
+                 ;; Widen to show TAG.
+                 (widen))
+               (push-mark)
+               (goto-char last))
+           ;; When there are no more matches go (back) to FIRST.
+           (message "No more matches for `%s' in %s" tag file)
+           (setq last first)
+           (goto-char first))
+         ;; Return new "tail".
+         (list (selected-window) first last))
+       (message "Not found `%s' in %s" tag file)
+       nil)))
+ (defun change-log-find-tag ()
+   "Find source code for change log tag near `point'.
+ A tag is a symbol within a parenthesized, comma-separated list."
+   (interactive)
+   (if (and (eq last-command 'change-log-find-tag)
+          change-log-find-tail)
+       (setq change-log-find-tail
+           (condition-case nil
+               (apply 'change-log-find-tag-1
+                      (append change-log-find-head change-log-find-tail))
+             (error
+              (format "Cannot find more matches for `%s' in %s"
+                      (car change-log-find-head)
+                      (nth 2 change-log-find-head)))))
+     (save-excursion
+       (let* ((tag-at (change-log-search-tag-name))
+            (tag (car tag-at))
+            (file (when tag-at
+                    (change-log-search-file-name (cdr tag-at)))))
+       (if (not tag)
+           (error "No suitable tag near `point'")
+         (setq change-log-find-head
+               (list tag (concat "\\_<" (regexp-quote tag) "\\_>")
+                     file (find-file-noselect file)))
+         (condition-case nil
+             (setq change-log-find-tail
+                   (apply 'change-log-find-tag-1 change-log-find-head))
+           (error (format "Cannot find matches for `%s' in %s"
+                          tag file))))))))
  (defvar change-log-mode-map
    (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
      (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-p] 'add-log-edit-prev-comment)
      (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-n] 'add-log-edit-next-comment)
      (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-f] 'change-log-find-file)
+     (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-t] 'change-log-find-tag)
    "Keymap for Change Log major mode.")

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