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src/ftfont.c problem on SUSE/old fontconfig versions.

From: Lynbech Christian
Subject: src/ftfont.c problem on SUSE/old fontconfig versions.
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:43:41 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

I have stumbled across a possible problem with ftfont.c

I have compiled and installed from the trunk of the git mirror and
trying to run the result on my SUSE SLED 10, patchlevel 1 ended in a
segmentation fault.

Digging down a bit, I found that the segmentation fault happens in a
call to the fontconfig function 'FcPatternGetCharSet' in the line

          if (FcPatternGetCharSet (fontset->fonts[0], FC_CHARSET, 0, &charset)
              == FcResultMatch)

in the function 'ftfont_lookup_cache'. Compiling the same emacs snapshot
on a rather recent Debian unstable installation yielded no such problem.

The version of fontconfig on my SUSE system is apparently 2.3.94 and
when I installed fontconfig 2.6.0 (like on the Debian system) the
segmentation fault went away.

The last time I updated my emacs 23 was June 11. and this version does
not have the segmentation fault problem, but quite a lot has happened to
ftfont.c since then so I have no guess as to what may have been
triggering the problem.

(For the record, I am back in the clear, feel free to ignore the problem
if you prefer.)

Christian Lynbech       | christian #\@ defun #\. dk
Hit the philistines three times over the head with the Elisp reference manual.
                                        - address@hidden (Michael A. Petonic)

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