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Re: Finding the source of Change Log entries

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: Re: Finding the source of Change Log entries
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 14:47:14 -0700

martin rudalics <address@hidden> writes:

  > > When using "C-x 4 a", maybe an overlay with a property pointing to the
  > > source file/linenumber can be inserted over the ChangeLog text.  Then
  > > C-c C-c could be more precise in finding the exact location from where
  > > "C-x 4 a" was initially called.
  > I do not understand well why you want to do that.  If C-c C-c can't find
  > the position it's either a bug in `add-change-log-entry-other-window' or
  > in my code.  If the bug is with the latter I have to fix it.  If the bug
  > is with the former, you have to write your entry manually and creating
  > the overlay can hardly be done automatically.  Can you give me a more or
  > less practical scenario where such overlays would be useful?

Sorry, for the late reply.
Sure, C-c C-c will find the beginning of a
function.  If the function is long, it would be better to go directly to
the point of the change.  Not sure that it would make enough of a
difference to make it worth it, but it might...

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