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RE: Bug : Emacs 22+; package cursor-chg.el

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Bug : Emacs 22+; package cursor-chg.el
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:34:01 -0700

> I was just testing the package cursor-chg.el and I think it's an
> excellent idea but it seemed a bit buggy to me:
> I think it works with the standard configurations,

What do you mean by that last part? Does it work for you starting with `emacs

> but it was not possible for me to change some settings, for example:
> I preferred to have my standard cursor color (from my own themes) but
> cursor-chg.el is programmed in such a way that it always overrides
> your personal cursor color to "Red".

How so? Please always provide a step-by-step recipe to reproduce the problem.
And please always indicate your Emacs build (version, platform). And please
always start from `emacs -Q' (or `emacs -q --no-init-file'), so that you don't
load your init file, which might interfere. If the problem arises from
interference with some other code (e.g. color theme), then state explicitly how
and when you run that code. But first try to get it to work with `emacs -Q'. You
get the idea.

One thing that occurs to me is whether you are using Emacs in a console instead
of with a window manager. I have not tested it in a console - I have no idea if
cursor changing is even possible in a console with Emacs. Everything I say here
is for use with a window manager, unless someone confirms that it also works in
a console.

In any case, `cursor-chg.el' is not "programmed in such a way that it always
overrides" anything, AFAIK. If it does that, it's a bug.

The only `Red' in the library is here:

(defcustom curchg-default-cursor-color
  (or (cdr (assq 'cursor-color default-frame-alist))
  "*Default text cursor color for non-special frames."
  :type (if (>= emacs-major-version 21) 'color 'string)
  :group 'cursor)

That means that the color, by default, is picked up from your
`default-frame-list' or is `Red' if you specify no `cursor-color' in
`default-frame-list'. Irregardless of the default value, however, you should be
able to change the value.

What happens when you try to customize that user option (`M-x customize-option
curchg-default-cursor-color')? Or you try to set it using `M-x set-variable

Also, are you using an input method and, if so, is option
`curchg-change-cursor-on-input-method-flag' non-nil? If so, the color of
`curchg-input-method-cursor-color' is used instead of

> Similarly, I had problems
> changing the active "non-idle" cursor to say "hbar", I tried to add
> (setq curchg-default-cursor-type 'hbar)
> but the hbar cursor wouldn't stick.

I can't reproduce that problem either. Does hbar cursor normally work for you in
Emacs? It might not work on some platforms (dunno). IOW, see first if it works
independently of `cursor-chg.el'. And what do you mean by "wouldn't stick"? Try
to be specific.

> Another thing I tried was
> (setq curchg-overwrite/read-only-cursor-type 'hollow)
> but it wouldn't work either. All these things were overwritten by the
> settings in cursor-chg.el. 

What do mean by overridden by the settings in the file? Do you mean that the
file settings always remain and that you cannot change them?

I don't see any of the problems you report, starting from `emacs -Q' on Windows
- in any Emacs version. I don't use color theme, however - perhaps it somehow
doesn't let you change the cursor (dunno)?

You will need to break this down and analyze just what is happening. First,
don't mix with color theme or anything else - try first to see if it works in
`emacs -Q'. And with a window manager.

> Of course you can change the file
> cursor-chg.el itself but that's subtle.

That would defeat a main purpose of the library. You should be able to customize
all of this and to change any of it on the fly also.

> Thus my suggestion:
> cursor-chg.el should be more flexible in using the standard setting
> for "cursor-color" "cursor-shape" etc... and not defining its own
> standards (like e.g. cursor color "red").

They are all user options, so you should be able to get the behavior you want -
completely "flexible". The default values should not be very important.

The problem is to figure out why you cannot change the values.

If you prefer, we can take any followup off list, and you or I can report to the
list at the end, if helpful.

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