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Re: C-x C-b and C-x C-f bugging about confirmation

From: Alfred M\. Szmidt
Subject: Re: C-x C-b and C-x C-f bugging about confirmation
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 12:24:51 +0100

Please stop insisting that I, and other should try this.  That is not
how one carries a discussion.

The current behaviour breaks several tings,

0) TRAMP, now you do not know when you need to type RET**2, and have
   to look at the minibuffer.

1) Keyboard macro, you have no idea if a buffer or file exists, and
   have to explicitly do M-: (find-file "FOO") RET instead of the
   plain more logical C-x C-f FOO RET.

2) RET now has a unclear meaning, it is impossible to know if RET will
   ask you something, or not.

Please, just revert the current default to what it was perviously, and
stop insisting that people should try this.  Alan, I believe,
suggested a nice solution to the problem.

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