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recommended way to bind mouse-wheel events

From: Drew Adams
Subject: recommended way to bind mouse-wheel events
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 14:41:21 -0800

I've read the Elisp manual, node Misc Events, and I've looked at the little bit
of vanilla Elisp code that uses the mouse wheel, but I still have a question
about binding the wheel.

In various places, I've come across code such as this:

(defvar my-map
  (let ((my-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (when mouse-wheel-mode
      (mapc (lambda (key)
              (define-key my-map key 'my-scroll))
            '([mouse-4]   [mouse-5]
              [C-mouse-4] [C-mouse-5]
              [S-mouse-4] [S-mouse-5])))

On Windows, at least with my 5-button mouse, that doesn't work: `mouse-4' and
`mouse-5' are separate mouse buttons.

This works for me, on Windows:

(defvar my-map
  (let ((my-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (when mouse-wheel-mode
      (mapc (lambda (key)
              (define-key my-map key 'my-scroll))
            (list (vector mouse-wheel-up-event)
                  (vector mouse-wheel-down-event)
                  (vector (list 'control mouse-wheel-up-event))
                  (vector (list 'control mouse-wheel-down-event))
                  (vector (list 'shift mouse-wheel-up-event))
                  (vector (list 'shift mouse-wheel-down-event)))))


Will this code, which uses the event variables, work also on non-Windows
platforms? If so, is this a good way to do it, or is there a better way? 

Shouldn't this be documented? (Mice with wheels have been around for decades.)

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