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Re: fail on osx between 2/4/2009 and 2/5/2009

From: Adrian Robert
Subject: Re: fail on osx between 2/4/2009 and 2/5/2009
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 12:30:38 +0200

On Feb 18, 2009, at 4:48 AM, Kenichi Handa wrote:

In article <address@hidden>, Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> writes:
The full list of properties that can appear bundled under the
FONT_EXTRA property that are important for drivers to take into
account in match() and list() should be specified somewhere in font.h.

I've just added comments in font.h, and augmented the
docstring for font-spec (in font.c).

Please tell me if there is any unclear part.

Looks clear to me. Should weight/slant/width also be mentioned under list()? Here is a patch which would add that.

*** font.h.~1.28.~      Wed Feb 18 11:51:23 2009
--- font.h      Wed Feb 18 16:54:13 2009
*** 68,76 ****
  enum font_property_index
/* FONT-TYPE is a symbol indicating a font backend; currently `x',
!        `xft', `ftx' are available on X and gdi on Windows.
!        For Windows, `bdf' and `uniscribe' backends are in progress.
!        For Mac OS X, we need `atm'.  */

      /* FONT-FOUNDRY is a foundry name (symbol).  */
--- 68,75 ----
  enum font_property_index
/* FONT-TYPE is a symbol indicating a font backend; currently `x',
!        `xft', `ftx' are available on X, gdi on Windows, and ns under
!        Cocoa / GNUstep.  */

      /* FONT-FOUNDRY is a foundry name (symbol).  */
*** 153,160 ****
/* In a font-spec, the value is an alist of extra information of a
         font such as name, OpenType features, and language coverage.
         In addition, in a font-entity, the value may contain a pair
!        (font-entity . INFO) where INFO is an extra infomation to
!        identify a font (font-driver dependent).  */
      FONT_EXTRA_INDEX,         /* alist                alist */

      /* This value is the length of font-spec vector.  */
--- 152,159 ----
/* In a font-spec, the value is an alist of extra information of a
         font such as name, OpenType features, and language coverage.
         In addition, in a font-entity, the value may contain a pair
! (font-entity . INFO) where INFO is extra information to identify
!        a font (font-driver dependent).  */
      FONT_EXTRA_INDEX,         /* alist                alist */

      /* This value is the length of font-spec vector.  */
*** 172,178 ****

      /* Full name of the font (string).  It is the name extracted from
!        the opend font, and may be different from the above.  It may be
         nil if the opened font doesn't give a name.  */

--- 171,177 ----

      /* Full name of the font (string).  It is the name extracted from
! the opened font, and may be different from the above. It may be
         nil if the opened font doesn't give a name.  */

*** 499,505 ****
    /* Symbol indicating the type of the font-driver.  */
    Lisp_Object type;

!   /* 1 iff the font's foundary, family, and adstyle names are case
       sensitve.  */
    int case_sensitive;

--- 498,504 ----
    /* Symbol indicating the type of the font-driver.  */
    Lisp_Object type;

!   /* 1 iff the font's foundry, family, and adstyle names are case
       sensitve.  */
    int case_sensitive;

*** 509,518 ****

    /* List fonts exactly matching with FONT_SPEC on FRAME.  The value
is a list of font-entities. The font properties to be considered
!      are: :foundry, :family, :adstyle, :registry, :script, :lang, and
!      :otf.  See the function `font-spec' for their meanings.  Note
!      that the last three properties are stored in FONT_EXTRA_INDEX
!      slot of FONT_SPEC.

       The returned value is a list of font-entities.  Each font-entity
       has :type property whose value is the same as the above `type'.
--- 508,517 ----

    /* List fonts exactly matching with FONT_SPEC on FRAME.  The value
is a list of font-entities. The font properties to be considered
!      are: :family, :weight, :slant, :width, :foundry, :adstyle,
!      :registry, :script, :lang, and :otf.  See the function
!      `font-spec' for their meanings.  Note that the last three
!      properties are stored in FONT_EXTRA_INDEX slot of FONT_SPEC.

       The returned value is a list of font-entities.  Each font-entity
       has :type property whose value is the same as the above `type'.

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