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USER-DEFINED BACKUP FILE NAMING proposed changes to files.el

From: David McCracken
Subject: USER-DEFINED BACKUP FILE NAMING proposed changes to files.el
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 08:06:35 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090605)

The auto-save-file-name-transforms only works for auto-save files. I propose a similar facility for backup file naming. Additionally, my proposal addresses some shortcomings of the existing auto-save-file-name-transforms.

It has been pointed out that using the entire path and name of a file to create a file name risks creating a name that exceeds the limits of the OS. One way to reduce the likelihood of this is to define a transform using only pieces of the path. For example,
("\\(.:\\)*\\(\\([^/]*\\)/\\)*\\(.+\\)" "~/bak/\\3!\\4")
creates userHome/bak/lastDir!fileName. However, this may not be sufficiently distinctive. For example, vers1/src/file.cfg and vers2/src/file.cfg would have the same auto-save/backup file. The chances of a collision could be reduced significantly without going to the extreme of full path name by including additional pieces of the path. Elisp regular expressions cannot generally do this because they support back reference only to the last instance of a repeating clause ("\\3" in the example refers to the last directory in the path).

I propose both a general solution and specific options that should prove useful. In general, the user can select one of several built-in transform modes. The specific modes that I have implemented are combinations of full directory names and just the first two characters. For example, one mode uses the full first and last directory names with just the first two characters of each intervening directory.

Another problem mentioned by some users is that the ! used as directory separator may confuse other programs. My proposal addresses this by allowing any character to be selected for the separator. The selectable transform mode and separator are merged into a variant of the transform replacement regular expression. If the first character's ordinal is less than 10 then it selects a transform mode, the next character is the separator, and the remainder is the backup root directory.

This is implemented by adding two functions to files.el and slightly modifying the existing make-backup-file-name-1 function. The transform list backup-file-name-transforms is specifically for backup files. It is similar to auto-save-file-name-transforms but doesn't use the optional third nil/t list element. The new functions are unaware of a distinction between backup and auto-save and could be used for both, in which case a single transform list could be used. This would require modifying the make-auto-save-file-name function. To test my code, I copied make-backup-file-name-1 from the source version downloaded from savannah 2009-07-20 (as of 2009-07-27 this function has not changed). I have tested deep and shallow paths under Fedora 10 and XP.

(setq backup-file-name-transforms
`((".*" "\4%~/bak/"))) ; userHome%bak%firstDir%lastDir%fileName
;`(("\\(.:\\)*\\(\\([^/]*\\)/\\)*\\(.+\\)" "~/bak/\\3-\\4"))) ; userHome/bak/lastDir-fileName

;---------------------------- files-make-user-back-tm --------------------------
; Purpose: subroutine of files-make-user-back-name. Synthesize backup name
; according to selected transform mode. This supports transforms that cannot be
; defined by regular expression.
; Returns: string backup file name
; Arguments:
;- file is string actual file+path
;- repl string defines the replacement. This is the second item in a transform ; list. The first character is a small literal integer (e.g. 0, not '0') which ; selects the mode. The second character is the path separator. The remainder is ; the path to the backup directory root. For all transform modes, the name is ; composed from the given root path + a mode-specific string derived from the
; real file path + the file name.
; The mode-specific strings are (by mode):
; 0 = empty, i.e. the name is path+sep+fileName
; For all other modes under DOS/Windows the unembellished drive letter is always
; included.
; 1 = first two chars of each dir
; 2 = lastDir
; 3 = first two chars of each dir + lastDir
; 4 = firstDir + lastDir
; 5 = firstDir + first two chars of each dir + lastDir
; Modes 0 and 2 are for convenience, as the same result could be achieve with
; standard regular expressions.
(defun files-make-user-back-tm ( file repl )
   (let ( (tm (string-to-char repl))
      (pathSep (substring repl 1 2))
      (path (substring repl 2))
      (last -1)
      (nextIdx 0)
      cnt name sep )

   ;; Determine the index of the last directory in the file path.
   (set-match-data nil t)
   (while (string-match "\\(.:\\)*\\(\\([^/]*\\)/\\)" file (match-end 0))
       (setq last (1+ last)))

   ;; Get the file name
   (string-match ".*" file (match-end 0))
   (setq name (match-string 0 file))

   ;; If transform mode 0 then return simple path + name. Else rescan file
   ;; string to build more complex path name.
   (if (> tm 0)
       (set-match-data nil t)
       (setq cnt 0)
       ;; At cnt 0 under WinDOS see drive letter; under Linux see / so
       ;; the first named directory is always at cnt 1.
(while (string-match "\\(.:\\)*\\(\\([^/]*\\)/\\)" file (match-end 0))
           ((match-string 1 file) ; Windows/DOS drive letter.
               (setq path (concat path
                   (substring (match-string 1 file) 0 1 ) pathSep)))

           ((not (string= (match-string 3 file) "")) ; directory name
(setq sep pathSep) ; Reset default so only blank case has to deal with it.
               (setq path (concat path
               ;; Full name cases
               ((or (and (= cnt 1) (> tm 3))
                   (and (= cnt last) (> tm 1)))
                   (match-string 3 file))
               ;; Two-char name cases
               ((= 1 (logand 1 tm))(substring (match-string 3 file) 0 2))
               ;; Everything else is no name and no separator (blank case)
               (t (setq sep ""))) ; cond
               sep))) ; cond directory name

           ;; Neither drive nor directory, i.e. must be first / in Unix.
           ) ; cond
           (setq cnt (1+ cnt)))))
   (concat path name)))

;------------------------- files-make-user-back-name --------------------------- ; Purpose: synthesize a backup file path+name given the real path+name and the
; user-defined transform list. This can be used for both backup and autosave
; files, as it does not add the # or ~ characters and the transform list is an
; argument. For backup files, the transform list is normally defined by
; backup-file-name-transforms, but that is not a default here. The caller must
; provide the argument.
; Returns: string backup file name or nil if none of the transforms matches file
; Arguments:
;- file is string actual path+file
;- transforms is list of transform lists, each comprising two regular
; expressions. If the first matches file, the second is used to create the
; backup name. Each transform is tested until a match is found or transforms is ; exhausted. The match expression serves two purposes. It enables location- or ; file-specific transforms, for example, routing priviledged file backups to a ; non-public directory. It also identifies components of file for reference by ; the replacement expression. The replacement expression can take two general ; forms. If the first character has an ordinal value less than 10, this value ; selects a predefined transform mode; the second character will be used as a ; path separator; and the remainder is the backup root directory. Otherwise,the
; replacement expression is an ordinary RE.
; (("\\(.:\\)*\\(\\([^/]*\\)/\\)*\\(.+\\)" "~/bak/\\3-\\4")) contains
; one transform, which synthesizes the name userhome/bak/lastRealDir-fileName. ; ((".*" "\2-~/bak/")) uses transform mode 2 to produce the same results under ; Unix but slightly different results, due to drive letter, under DOS/Windows.
(defun files-make-user-back-name ( file transforms )
   "Subroutine of make-backup-file-name-1"
   ( let (result repl)
   (while (and transforms (not result))
       (if (string-match (car (car transforms)) file)
       (setq result (if (< (string-to-char
                   (setq repl (cadr (car transforms)))) 10)
                (files-make-user-back-tm file repl)
                (replace-match repl t nil file)))) ; if (string-match
       (setq transforms (cdr transforms)))  ; while
   result))  ; defun

(defun make-backup-file-name-1 (file)
   "Subroutine of `make-backup-file-name' and `find-backup-file-name'."
   (let ((alist backup-directory-alist)
        elt backup-directory abs-backup-directory)
   (while alist
       (setq elt (pop alist))
       (if (string-match (car elt) file)
       (setq backup-directory (cdr elt)
           alist nil)))
   ;; If backup-directory is relative, it should be relative to the
   ;; file's directory.  By expanding explicitly here, we avoid
   ;; depending on default-directory.
   (if backup-directory
       (setq abs-backup-directory
       (expand-file-name backup-directory
           (file-name-directory file))))

(if (and abs-backup-directory (not (file-exists-p abs-backup-directory)))
       (condition-case nil
       (make-directory abs-backup-directory 'parents)
       (file-error (setq backup-directory nil
               abs-backup-directory nil))))

   (if (null backup-directory)
       (if (file-name-absolute-p backup-directory)
(if (boundp 'backup-file-name-transforms) ;;<<<<< (setq file (files-make-user-back-name file ;; <<<<< backup-file-name-transforms)) ;; <<<<< ;; else backup-save-file-name-transforms is not defined ;; <<<<<
           (when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos cygwin))
           ;; Normalize DOSish file names: downcase the drive
           ;; letter, if any, and replace the leading "x:" with
           ;; "/drive_x".
           (or (file-name-absolute-p file)
(setq file (expand-file-name file))) ; make defaults explicit
           ;; Replace any invalid file-name characters (for the
           ;; case of backing up remote files).
           (setq file (expand-file-name (convert-standard-filename file)))
           (if (eq (aref file 1) ?:)
               (setq file (concat "/"
                      (char-to-string (downcase (aref file 0)))
                      (if (eq (aref file 2) ?/)
                      (substring file 2)))))
           ;; Make the name unique by substituting directory
           ;; separators.  It may not really be worth bothering about
           ;; doubling `!'s in the original name...
               ?/ ?!
               (replace-regexp-in-string "!" "!!" file))

       (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file)
           (file-name-as-directory abs-backup-directory))))))

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