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Re: simplifying beginning-of-defun

From: Andreas Roehler
Subject: Re: simplifying beginning-of-defun
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 10:29:59 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081227)


> It's definitely meant to be buffer-local.  That doesn't mean there
> shouldn't be a meaningful default 

Hi Stefan,

you are indicating the appropriate name, thanks.

Below a slightly revisited code again.

Renamed beginning/end-of-defun-raw into beginning/end-of-defun-default
Declared beginning/end-of-defun-function buffer-local
Updated the docstrings,




;; For modes other than Emacs-Lisp only, remove wrongly set value
(when (featurep 'emacs) (setq end-of-defun-function nil))

(defvar beginning-of-defun-function nil
  "If non-nil, called by `beginning-of-defun' instead of
`beginning-of-defun-default'. Useful, if `defun-prompt-regexp' is
not sufficient to handle a mode's needs. It's buffer-local. ")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'beginning-of-defun-function)

(defvar end-of-defun-function nil
  "If non-nil, called by `end-of-defun' instead of
`end-of-defun-default'.  Useful if default function is not
appropriate. It's buffer-local. ")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'end-of-defun-function)

(setq defun-searchform '(if defun-prompt-regexp
                              (concat "^\\s(\\|"
                                      "\\(" defun-prompt-regexp "\\)\\s(")

(defun beginning-of-defun (&optional arg)
  "Move backward to the beginning of a functions definition.
For ARGUMENT see documentation in  `beginning-of-defun-default' resp. in 
`beginning-of-defun-function', if set. "
  (interactive "P")
  (if beginning-of-defun-function
      (funcall beginning-of-defun-function arg)
    (beginning-of-defun-default arg)))

(defun beginning-of-defun-default (&optional arg)
  "Move backward to next beginning of function definition.
With argument, do it that many times.
Called if modes didn't set beginning-of-defun-function. "
  (or arg (setq arg 1))
      (re-search-backward (eval defun-searchform) nil 'move (or arg 1))
    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))))

(defun end-of-defun (&optional arg)
  "Move forward to the end of a function.
For ARGUMENT see documentation in `end-of-defun-default' resp. in 
`end-of-defun-function', if set. "
  (interactive "P")
  (if end-of-defun-function
      (funcall end-of-defun-function arg)
    (end-of-defun-default arg)))

(defun end-of-defun-default (&optional arg)
  "Move forward to next end of function definition.
With argument, do it that many times.
Called if modes didn't set end-of-defun-function. "
  (or arg (setq arg 1))
  (skip-chars-forward " \t\r\n\f")
  (unless (looking-at (eval defun-searchform))
    (beginning-of-defun 1))
  (when (re-search-forward (eval defun-searchform) nil t arg)
    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
    (forward-sexp 1)))


for those buffers which don't want to
> bother to set it themselves.
>         Stefan

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