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Re: ange-ftp-file-size

Subject: Re: ange-ftp-file-size
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 13:31:38 +0900

Thank you for your replying.

I revised the code on your advice, and made a patch of ange-ftp.el on
Emacs 23.1.1. Would you like to check it?

BTW, about save-match-data, I used it because of inhibiting changing old
match data. Using it is wrong (as the style) ?
--- ange-ftp.el.orig    Sun Jun 21 13:37:58 2009
+++ ange-ftp.el Fri Oct 16 11:45:55 2009
@@ -2338,7 +2338,7 @@
      ;; Second argument is the remote name
      ((or (memq cmd0 '(append put chmod))
-          (and (eq cmd0 'quote) (string= cmd1 "mdtm")))
+          (and (eq cmd0 'quote) (string-match-p "^\\(mdtm\\|size\\)$" cmd1)))
       (setq cmd2 (funcall fix-name-func cmd2)))
      ;; Both arguments are remote names
      ((eq cmd0 'rename)
@@ -3455,7 +3455,7 @@
                      '(0 0)            ;4 atime
                      (ange-ftp-file-modtime file) ;5 mtime
                      '(0 0)            ;6 ctime
-                     -1                ;7 size
+                     (ange-ftp-file-size file) ;7 size
                      (concat (if (stringp dirp) "l" (if dirp "d" "-"))
                              "?????????") ;8 mode
                      nil               ;9 gid weird
@@ -3557,6 +3557,32 @@
           (or (zerop (car file-mdtm))
               (<= (float-time file-mdtm) (float-time buf-mdtm))))
       (ange-ftp-real-verify-visited-file-modtime buf))))
+(defun ange-ftp-file-size (file &optional ascii-mode)
+  "Return the size of remote file FILE. Return -1 if can't get it.
+If ascii-mode is non-nil, return the size with the extra octets that
+need to be inserted, one at the end of each line, to provide correct
+end-of-line semantics for a transfer using TYPE=A. The default is nil,
+so return the size on the remote host exactly. See RFC 3659."
+  (let* ((parsed (ange-ftp-ftp-name file))
+        (host (nth 0 parsed))
+        (user (nth 1 parsed))
+        (name (ange-ftp-quote-string (nth 2 parsed)))
+        ;; At least one FTP server (wu-ftpd) can return a "226
+        ;; Transfer complete" before the "213 SIZE".  Let's skip
+        ;; that.
+        (ange-ftp-skip-msgs (concat ange-ftp-skip-msgs "\\|^226"))
+        (res (prog2
+                 (unless ascii-mode
+                   (ange-ftp-set-binary-mode host user))
+                 (ange-ftp-send-cmd host user (list 'quote "size" name))
+               (unless ascii-mode
+                 (ange-ftp-set-ascii-mode host user))))
+        (line (cdr res)))
+    (if (string-match "^213 \\([0-9]+\\)$" line)
+       (string-to-number (match-string 1 line))
+      -1)))
 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;; File copying support... totally re-written 6/24/92.

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