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Re: relative load-file

From: Rocky Bernstein
Subject: Re: relative load-file
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:34:04 -0500

Sorry for the delay. The usual excuse(s): real life, etc ...

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> wrote:
> It is becoming clear now that this is something that can be addressed
> pretty easily by making a small change to the Emacs source.  However,
> failing that, the mechanisms for simulating this are a little arcane.

I have no idea what simple change you're talking about.

I looked again deeper at the code in src/lread.c, and see in fact load-file-name comes pretty close.

But better is (car current-load-list) since current-load-list is set from the C function readevalloop(). Since readevalloop is used from both load-like calls and eval-like calls, it covers both kinds of ways to run code. More important, in the eval-like calls, the value isn't changed by evaluating buffer-changing operations as is the case with (buffer-file-name).

But since this is low-level and not a public API, I'll do a stringp test and if that fails try the other hueristics.

>> > First, none of the examples I have given do I find really corner case.
>> They work fine with the above code.
> Um, no. I cited two kinds of situations that fail with the above code and
> both in fact do come up.

Then I may have misunderstood something.  Can you state those cases
again where

 (load (expand-file-name <foo> (file-name-directory
                                (or load-file-name buffer-file-name))))

won't do the right thing and yet those cases do show up?

One simple example characteristic of a class of things is to put  a (find-file ...) right before that load and evaluate the buffer.

However since the intent is to replace require (and load), the intended uses are somewhat stereotypical. So commonly such statements get run early close to the beginning of the invocation of code. I can add a suggestion/warning to this effect.

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